Page 71 of All In
“Of course he is not happy. Jamie makes much money for him,non?” Didier shrugged one shoulder. “C’est dommage, mais ça c’est la vie. The question is, is Jamie happy?”
“Jamie is happy,” he said with a faint smile. At least, he was mostly. He had a feeling he’d be a lot happier once he was holding Rachel’s hand again.
Didier studied him for a long silent moment before slapping his hands on his knees and standing up. “Bon, we go have a drink to celebrate.”
Erik perked up. “Clancy’s?”
“You like it there,” Jamie observed, getting up.
“Yes.” The kid set the book down and reached for his shoes under the table. “It’s like in the movies, where everyone is your friend.”
“It is, isn’t it?” Jamie murmured, impressed with the observation.
Didier clapped his hands together. “On y va.”
When they walked into the bar, Jamie looked around in the vain hope that Rachel was there even though he knew she was still at work. The only person sitting at the bar was the older man who was usually there drawing, and of course Chris, behind the bar.
Chris called out a welcome to them and began to set out glasses for their drinks.
Jamie set aside his disappointment and led the way to the bar.
Chris held out his fist for a bump. “Nice seeing you guys. The usual?”
“Yes.” Jamie nodded to the older man as he took his seat. Didier and Erik filed in to his right.
“No Rachel tonight?” Chris asked as he poured Didier’s wine.
“They have a date tomorrow,” Erik said.
Didier and Jamie stared at him.
“What?” The kid held his hands out. “You do.”
Chris grinned as he set a pint in front of Erik. “I’m glad to hear that. Rach hasn’t been out with anyone in longer than I can remember. I’m glad she’s going out with a nice guy.”
“Non, she is going out with Jamie,” Didier said with a quirk of his lips.
Erik snorted.
Shaking his head, Jamie nodded his thanks to Chris as the man poured him a generous share of whiskey. He lifted the glass. When he inhaled its aroma, he could feel his dad and grandda around him.
Didier lifted his glass. “À la prochaine aventure.”
“To the next adventure,” he repeated, clinking his glass to Didier’s and then Erik’s. “Whatever that is.”
Didier frowned as he sipped his wine. “Qu’est-ce que tu dis?You know what you will do next.”
“I haven’t decided,” he said, giving his friend a look.
Didier leaned back, very casual. “Yes, we have decided. You will be a life coach.”
Jamie shook his head. “I’m not qualified to do that.”
His friend made a very French sound through his lips. “You are more qualified than the psychologist on our team. You brand yourself as a motivational speaker, and you start to do YouTube.” Didier narrowed his eyes, pointing at him. “Do your videos without a shirt, and you will be very popular.”
He snorted. “Right.”
“I know.” Didier shrugged. “I do not understand people.”