Page 11 of Ivy Magic
I’m going to fucking kill, Curt!I seethed.
Sitting with my back against the wall, I spotted the front exit and another one in the rear. There could also be a window in the bathroom. I still hadn’t made my mind up and contemplated calling the whole thing off. Instead, I let out a small groan and almost banged my head against the table. I needed this job. Fucking Curt had tied my hands and sent me in blind with this one.
A waitress, not much older than Kelly, hurried over. She looked a little frazzled with whips of blonde hair falling out of her messy bun.
“What can I get for you?” she asked.
“Beer, you pick,” I said, knowing I wouldn’t drink it. It was for appearances only. With any luck, Curt would pass along a lead on Fang any moment, and I would stake his ass tonight. With or without a partner? That was the current dilemma.
Speaking of a partner, a man sat in the back booth, but his face remained hidden in the shadows. A sleeve of tattoos covered his right arm. I could see the edge of a green shirt, but nothing more.
The energy hummed and gathered inside my chest. My wolf urged me to find Luca and have another round with him. Let him show me what he could do with that massive cock of his. My pussy clenched and pulsed just thinking about it. My wolf pushed and shoved, trying to break free, but I locked her down. I had already made one ginormous mistake by fucking Luca, and now I felt like I was sitting at a crossroad, and my next move would be a pivotal turning point.
The waitress placed a can of Michelob Ultra in front of me, and I mumbled, “thanks,” without looking her way. After about thirty minutes of watching and pretending to sip, and with no text from Curt, I finally decided to get this meeting over. I would simply tell the shifter that I work alone and then leave. I mean, we were in a restaurant/ bar surrounded by humans. What could he really do? I took a deep breath, grabbed my drink, and headed over.
As I passed, my eyes slid toward Luca on their own accord. He and another shifter were sitting with their backs facing the booth. A short-sleeved shirt stretched snugly across Luca’s shoulders, showing his tan, muscled arms. I heard him inhale and then tightly clutch his beer. Even though it took every ounce of my willpower, I turned away, shielding my face in case he turned around. My wolf didn’t like thatatall.
Why was Luca here to begin with? Did he know I had used magic on him, and this was a setup? And how had he found me? My nerves set me more on edge than before, and unlike my wolf, who did a happy dance to be so close to Luca, I fought the urge to bolt.
Sliding into the booth, I faced the shifter who was supposed to be my partner. He had short spiked brown hair and a granite jaw that matched his icy blue eyes. Besides his sleeve, tattoos crawled up his neck and down his other arm. Sniffing, I smelled burning wood with a hint of spice. Violence vibrated beneath his skin, and I did not doubt that he would kill someone and never think twice about it.
“Took you long enough,” he said as he tried to stare me down. Did that mean it took long enough to come over or did he mean it took me long enough to get here? Not that it really mattered. I refused to drop his gaze. If he wanted a pissing contest, then I would give him one. Sweat popped out on his forehead and I could tell it was hard for him to maintain eye contact. A minute later, my phone buzzed. Knowing it could be Curt with a lead on Fang, I gave him a smirk and said, “Fuck it. I’ve got work to do.”
This was a fucking dominance game, one that I gave two shits about. If Curt didn’t want to pass along the info, he could deal with the aftermath. Blood would be on his hands, not mine. I should’ve known better and stayed my ass at the apartment. Color me enlightened.
Sliding out of the booth, I left Mr. Broody sitting by himself. I bolted out the front door and made it halfway across the parking when someone grabbed my arm.
Oh, hell no!
I grabbed his wrist and stepped into him, knocking him off balance before twisting his arm and shoving him away from me. Then I grabbed a knife from the side of my boot and held the edge inches his throat.
Hard glacier eyes bored into mine. “The Agency assigned me to help you track the vampire,” he said, slowly getting to his feet.
“Yeah, well, you should have led with that. Now you’re on your own.” I didn’t like playing games, and ever since Curt ordered me to show up, I felt like I was on the losing end of Monopoly and about to go straight to jail. And if this player thought he could knock me out of the game and take out Fang by himself, he had another thing coming. I didn’t roll over for anyone.
Slowly backing away from him, I spun and sprinted for my car. Just as I was unlocking the door, a hand grabbed my wrist. A firm body pressed against mine, sandwiching me between him and the vehicle. I felt his hard cock pressing into my backside. His warm breath brushed against my ear as he said, “Hello, Ivy.” His deep baritone voice sent quivers of desire racing down my arms. How could this man make me feel so much by doing so little?
“Luca,” I swallowed hard, slowly turning. He barely allowed any room between us. Face to face, only mere inches separated our mouths as we breathed the same air.
His eyes lowered, and I was helpless to stop him from kissing me. When his eyes closed, I felt his warm lips suckle mine. His tongue darted out and licked the seam. I opened for him. He pressed his obvious erection against my middle, grinding his hips. My hands were on his chest, and I was unsure if I would pull him closer or push him away.
After kissing him passionately, I pushed and said, “no.” My wolf beat at my skin, trying to break free but I shoved her back down. Now was certainly not the time to let my guard down. I had to regain control of myself and the situation. Luca had the power to undo me with his mere presence and I didn’t like it. My wolf screamedmatein the back of my mind,but I ignored her.
Another man stepped forward, anger laced his voice as he asked, “Is this the woman from last night?”
Luca spun around and placed his hands on his hips. “Leave it alone, Axel.”
With Luca distracted, I took advantage of the tiny space between us and quickly checked my phone.
Jackson: My informant just contacted me. Fang’s on his way to the fairgrounds outside of Garland Park.
Me: On it!
Axel and Luca were in some sort of silent debate. I didn’t have time for the male drama, so I calmly inched away from Luca, opened my door, and slid into the driver’s seat. With the shutting of my door, they both turned. I thought I’d gotten away, but the tattooed man with glacier eyes quickly slid into the passenger’s seat.
“Excuse me, get the fuck out of my car.”
His lips twitched. “Does your mama know what a filthy mouth you have?”