Page 30 of Ivy Magic
Luca interrupted. “We need to talk, Ivy.”
Shaking my head, I tried to hold firm. “Not until I talk to Kelly.”
Luca turned around, grabbed a new mug, and poured me another cup of coffee. After handing it to me, he politely said, “Let’s talk in my office and then we’ll get some breakfast.”
I didn’t want to talk about what happened last night. It was bad enough that he witnessed everything for himself. But I was in his house and didn’t really have a choice. Running was now off the table, and I had to face the music. Fess up and take my chances. But if he tried to hand me over to the council, I wouldn’t go down without a fight.
Following Luca out of the dining room, I held my head high. I could feel the stares of others, but I refused to look at them or let their presence intimidate me.
The office spared no expense in luxury. Intricate crown molding paired with thick drapes, paintings, leather couches and chairs completed the richness.
“Nice office,” I said, plopping down into a chair and tucking my legs underneath while Luca closed the door behind us. He then rounded the massive desk and lowered himself gracefully into the chair, facing me.
“Are you okay?” he asked gently, his eyes softened.
I shrugged, “why wouldn’t I be?” He studied me so intently that I wondered if he could see inside my soul.
“You have experienced a trauma, Ivy, even if you refuse to admit it. It is hard seeing someone you love almost die. But, believing that person will die even if you did heal them, it tears at something deep inside you.”
His words hit home, but I refused to show him how much they affected me. “You sound like you have experience with this.” I wanted to ask more but decided against it. I never was a nosy one, and now wasn’t the time to start. This conversation had me on edge. Hell, being in this damn mansion was so out of my norm. I grew up poor. Even now, I looked like a pauper compared to Luca and his packhouse. And here I thought I was doing very well for myself. Luckily, I knew that possessions didn’t equal happiness.
“I do. I watched a vampire kill my mother,” he admitted.
The sadness in his voice hurt my heart, making it ache for him. It took all my restraint not to get up from the chair so I could comfort him the way my wolf pushed me to do. I wanted to ask him how old he was when it happened and if someone killed the vampire, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Not until I figured out what Luca planned to do with me. Report me to the council? Let me stay here? Teetering on the edge of a cliff perfectly described my nerves. Would I fall, or would he pull me back to safety?
He answered my unspoken questions anyway. “I was ten at the time. Dad was the alpha of the local pack when the last uprising happened. The vampires knew that if they killed the alpha female, the alpha would be weakened.” At my confused look, he slowly continued as if explaining this to a child. “Because when a bonded pair is ripped apart by death, the alpha is so lost in his grief, he is easier to kill. That is, if he does not decide to follow his mate.”
Caroline didn’t mention any of this. She was the strongest bitch I knew, so the thought of her following her mate didn’t ring right with me. And if Luca was ten at the last uprising, that made him…my eyes grew wide as I blurted, “There’s no way in hell you’re 35! Why are you lying to me?” My heart pounded, and my wolf surged forth, demanding freedom so she could protect me. Somehow, I held her back.
Luca was out of his chair and kneeling in front of me in an instant. His hands cupped my shoulders. “Calm down, Ivy.” And then he pulled me against his chest.
His warmth surrounded me while his scent calmed me. I inhaled slowly and deeply before asking again. “Why are you lying to me?”
He leaned back so he could peer into my eyes, and I could tell he had a million questions as he searched for something. Then finally, he released a long sigh. “I am not lying to you, Ivy.” He stood, tugged me up with him and led me to the nearby sofa.
Sitting face to face, Luca toyed with my hand. He was nervous as a thousand emotions flittered across his face. Well, not a thousand, maybe three or four.
“You know that you are my mate, right?” He asked softly.
Sinking into his warm chocolate eyes, there were no alphas, only a male and female facing each other. Somehow, he had lowered my guard and I felt exposed, vulnerable. I didn’t like it, but I didn’t know how to change the situation. Everything had spiraled out of control, and he hadseenmy secrets with his own two eyes.
“What does that mean?” I hesitantly asked. I was so tired of not knowing, of always being afraid of the consequences. My wolf always growling at me for my cowardness, making me act bolder than I felt.
“It means that you were made for me, and I was made for you. That I will protect you with my life. You will be my lover, my partner in all that I do. As alpha female, you will lead with me.”
Alpha female? Lead with him? My panic spiked just thinking about it.
“I…I can’t.” I pulled my hand away from his and refused to look him in the eyes. Luca didn’t let my reaction deter him though.
“Why not?” He asked softly. He didn’t seem mad or upset.
“Look, Luca, I like you. I like you a lot when you’re not driving me crazy. But you don’t want me as your mate.”
His lips twitched. “I like you too, Ivy. Especially when you are not running away from me.”
Did he just make a joke? Luca’s mouth twitched again. Yes, he just made a joke! “It’s not funny, Luca. I’m…I’m….”
“You are what?” He asked, snatching my hand again.