Page 34 of Ivy Magic
Rage suppressed a smile at my choice of words. I did not think executioner was appropriate for their first meeting.
“And you all know her name is Ivy. What you don’t know is that she is my fated mate.” I waited until the news sunk in before I added, “and I expect her to be treated as such.”
It didn’t take long for them to mind-link with me.
What the hell, Luca!
You haven’t mated with her yet.
I don’t trust her.
I think you should have one of us watch her until we know for sure she is not here to take you down.That came from Axel again. Alpha Locklear is already leery that you will try to unseat him on the council. He could have sent her as a spy.
Enough!I said,Axel, she is not a spy. And no, I have not mated with her yet. Circumstances require a delegate touch. So, I am taking it slow. Devon, I want you to train her. She has suppressed her magical side and doesn’t know how to use it. I need you to coax it out of her and hopefully find out what kind of magic she has.
He answered immediately.I was about to contact you, alpha. The only puma I can find in the database named Caroline lived near the Canadian border in Washington State. She disappeared fifty years ago and is presumed dead. Luca, if this cat raised Ivy…I mean, there are no credit cards, no bank accounts. She doesn’t even have a library card. Only a blip detailing her birth and then her mating. Nothing else.
Ivy scrunched her nose as her gaze lazily slid between my men and me. “This is weird. Why are you all sitting around staring at each other?”
“Sorry, love. I know it’s rude to talk privately, but the guys had questions, and I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”
Her eyebrows pulled down and she pursed her lips. The guys scrutinized her reaction and I wanted to kick myself. But of course, she didn’t know that wolves could mind-link each other. She didn’t know anything about her own kind. To cover up my mistake, I quickly added, “Devon is going to train you to fight.”
“One: I already know how to fight. Two: What the hell do you mean bytalking privately?”
I sighed. Ivy already had so much to deal with and I didn’t want to spring this on here just yet. But if I wanted to gain her trust, I couldn’t hide things from her.
“The alpha can mind-link with others in his pack.”
Her eyes touched on all the guys. “And you were just talking to them?”
“Yes.” She nodded, but I didn’t like the calculating look that crossed her face. Like she knew they disapproved, which wasn’t exactly the truth.
“Is this your entire pack?” She asked.
“No. But they are my family, my inner circle.”
Ivy showed no outward emotion and it worried me. I couldn’t get a feel for how she felt. What if she decided to take off? I should have someone watch her as Axel suggested, but not because I thought she was a spy. “After breakfast, I want you to train with Devon.”
“I told you, I already know how to fight.”
“Humor me then. Kick his ass.”
She grinned. “I can do that.”
“Hey!” Devon objected. “I’ll try to take it easy on you.”
I pulled out a chair for her. “Sit. Eat. You must be starving.”
“I am.” One of the servants rushed out to set a plate of food in front of her. “Wow. Bacon, eggs, ham, potatoes, and toast. It looks and smells delicious.”
She dug in and I couldn’t pull my gaze away. Especially when she licked her fingers one at a time. My cock swelled and I had to readjust myself. When I finally tore my eyes from her, I noticed that she had the same effect on the guys. I knew what they were seeing. So beautiful and innocent, and her actions were as natural as breathing. So many she-wolves tried hard to be something they thought we would desire. Fake smiles, rehearsed passion—but not Ivy. Ivy didn’t give a shit about what anyone thought of her.
I cleared my throat, the guys looked away and Ivy froze.