Page 37 of Ivy Magic
“Are you alright, Ivy?” Luca asked, stepping forward into my personal space. “You smell…” he sniffed, and if I didn’t know any better, I would say his chocolate eyes darkened to midnight. No moon in sight. “Fuckable.”
Oh, yes. I desperately wanted to feel him inside me. My wolf clawed to break free so she could mark him—mate him.
But I was stronger than my wolf, so instead of acting on those desires, I took a step back.
Disappointment covered Luca’s face before he quickly masked it. “I know you don’t understand any of this but know that my wolf is trying to break free.” Hmm…it’s good to know that it’s not just me. “How about a compromise?” he asked which piqued my curiosity.
Raising one eyebrow, I smirked. “What kind of compromise?”
He studied me for a moment, probably gauging my mood. Either that or trying to figure out what he could offer that I couldn’t refuse. That sort of made me nervous. Not that I would show weakness to him.At least not any more weakness than I already had.
“Give me ten days. Ten days of you sleeping in my bed at night. Ten days of no fighting hugs, touching, or hand holding. Ten days for me to show you how good it feels to let someone help you shoulder your burdens.”
I stiffened. My voice turned hard as I said, “I will not have sex with you as a bargain. Not that I don’t like sex, but it’s always on my terms.” Truthfully, I rarely had mystery one-night stands. My wolf didn’t like or respect many people.
“I’m not talking about sex, Ivy. I’m talking about intimacy. Your wolf knows that we are mates. She must constantly be clawing at you to bend to her will. My wolf is the same. All I am asking for is ten days.”
I had to admit, his offer both excited and scared the hell out of me. Nobody had ever shown me any affection and I knew it hurt my wolf. She craved social interactions, unlike me, who had learned to live with loneliness. We did have Kelly, but she was mostly the same way. “What do I get in return?” This had to be good. I couldn’t feel like I was submitting to him.
“Protection,” he said, making me scoff. I could protect myself. “I’m not finished, Ivy.”
“Fine,” I flicked my wrist for him to continue.
“Pack protection. That’s what every pack offers. To know that if anything happens, if anyone threatens you, your pack has your back. Also, Trace will get you set up with another cell phone. Same number of course. That way you can contact your friend. And we will escort you to your apartment so you can gather your clothes. Our pack takes care of our own.”
I pursed my lips and pretended to think about it. A girl couldn’t give in to easily and I didn’t want him to know that the idea of staying with him, sleeping beside him every night, both terrified and excited me. My wolf constantly pushed against her cage, trying to shove me to find Luca, rub up against him and leave him covered in our scent. But she couldn’t force me, and I also knew it would be nice to have a little peace. Maybe this living arrangement would placate her. If only I was sure I would be able to hold out and not have sex with Luca.
After a little internal debating, I warned, “No mating. I will not tie myself to someone I don’t know.”
“No mating until you agree.” He confirmed. I could see his hope reflecting back at me.
“Ten days and that’s it.” He nodded, confirming what he had purposed. Of course, I already had doubts that ten days would be long enough, but he didn’t need to know that.
Luca stepped forward and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me against his well-defined chest. It felt strange and comforting to let him hold me, to accept his comfort. That’s probably why I stiffened and didn’t hug him back.
He noticed.
Chuckling, he repeated, “Ten days, Ivy. And you can hug me back.”
My arms felt like lead as I wrapped them around his waist. It felt strange to return his embrace. I searched through my memories, trying to remember if Caroline had ever hugged me even once and I came up empty. As we stood in an awkward embrace, a tingle jolted through me and emotions—some I never dreamed were possible—threatened to take my breath away. Luca had held me before but not like this. There was no reason for this hug. He did it because—he wanted to? Confused and overwhelmed, I let go and took a quick step backward.
His face softened as if he knew that that one simple act of affection overwhelmed me. “Come on little wolf,” he said, “let’s go get cleaned up for dinner.”
I glanced at the clock that read 6:05 pm and said, “I’m ready.” My stomach let loose a ferocious growl, sending heat to my face and staining my cheeks pink.
Chapter 14
Progress. Ivy agreed to ten daysandlet me hug her without a fight or an excuse. When she finally hugged me back, my wolf settled a little, even though my heart ached for my little mate. By her actions, I knew she had never been shone one tiny ounce of affection. And once again, I found myself wanting to hunt down Caroline even though I understood that pumas were not affectionate, not like wolves were.
I sent a mental message to the guys.After Ivy eats, be ready to head to her apartment. Trace, bring me the new cell phone before we head out.
A chorus of,yes alpha, echoed in my head.
“Thank you, Ivy.” Thank you for trying to give us a chance. Thank you for hugging me without a fight. There were so many things to say thank you for, especially for appeasing my wolf now. He had been clawing at me from that first moment I met her in the bar. Even if I refused to acknowledge it. “How about we grab something to eat and then head to your place?”
“Really?” I nodded. “That sounds good. I’m starving. And I need clothes that don’t look like they’ve swallowed me whole.”