Page 8 of Ivy Magic
“I can assure you, Mr. Blackthorn, we have our best agent tracking him down.”
My eyes slid to Axel’s. With his slight nod, I knew that we were in complete agreement. “That’s not good enough, Mr. Jackson. Your best agent still hasn’t caught the vampire, and now I have yet another shifter missing.”
Mr. Jackson’s forehead turned red. I could smell his anger and knew he didn’t like anyone questioning him. Finally, after straightening his already straight tie, he asked, “And what would be good enough for you?”
I shrugged, “One of my enforcers teaming up with your agent.”
When M. Jackson barked out a laugh, I leaned back and crossed my arms. Nothing about this situation was funny.
After he noticed my disdain for his reaction, he cleared his throat. “Ah-hm, well, my agent prefers to work alone and would most likely take offense if I assigned her a partner.”
I sat forward, resting my elbows on the table. For Mr. Jackson to turn down an offer of help from one of my elite enforcers, he had to be hiding something. “Mr. Jackson, my company has donated millions to The Agency, and I have rarely asked for anything. But I must insist that my enforcer be allowed to assist your agent in this hunt.”
Mr. Jackson grabbed his tie, twisting and then loosening the knot. Sweat beaded on his brow as his foot tapped under the table.
I mind-linked Axel.Please explain how this man secured a position with The Agency? He reeks of desperation and worry.
I’m not sure alpha, but he acts like he’s hiding something.
“About that,” Mr. Jackson started and then cleared his throat again. “My predecessor vetted the agent, not me. And I only communicate via text messages.
I sat back in my chair and studied the representative—a little heavy set, balding, with beady black eyes. I wasn’t sure if he was a warlock or maybe a low-level demon. Sometimes it was hard to tell the exact species if they were weak in power, which allowed him to work at The Agency because no one would let a powerful demon police other species.
“Then I suggest you text the agent and let him know that he will be working with a partner.” When he opened his mouth to protest, I slammed my hands on the desk and slowly rose from my chair. Then, leaning in and lacing my words with alpha power, I spoke. “I will not takenofor an answer. Do youunderstand, Mr. Jackson?”
“Ah…ah, yes, yes, Mr. Blackthorn,” he stuttered, “When would you like this meeting?”
“This afternoon.”
Mr. Jackson was already shaking his head. “Saskia, that’s her code name. She won’t meet until nightfall. She would never expose herself in the daylight like that.”
Axel’s eyes cut to mine and I knew we were both shocked to learn that the agent was female.She?Why wouldn’t she meet until nightfall? What is she hiding?
I don’t know, I answered.But I plan to find out.It occurred to me that she could be a vampire, which would explain why she wouldn’t meet during daylight hours.
I crossed my arms and stood to my full height, staring at the uneasy man. “I am sure if you tell her to be there, she will obey orders.”
“No, she won’t,” he said, vigorously shaking his head. “She has a mind of her own and if she thinks she is being made to do something that will jeopardize her life, she will walk away.”
“But doesn’t she do that every time she takes an assignment?”
“Yes, but she knows the score going into every situation. A she might think it’s a setup with me abruptly assigning her a partner.”
This female agent not only made me suspicious, but also curious. A strong will and a strong mind always drew my attention. I loved an independent nature, but I suspected she was a vampire.
Over the years, I had worked with a few master vampires but never trusted any of them. They were a slippery bunch who skated around the truth without actually lying per se.
“Text her. Have her meet my agent at Gathonia Tavern in Black Hills at 8 pm. Tell her to sit in the booth against the back wall if she gets there first. The same goes for my enforcer. If he beats her to the tavern, he will be waiting in the same place. And if she doesn’t show, my team will track her down and find out what she’s hiding.”
Mr. Jackson held my gaze before looking away. The scent of worry combined with sweat made me tense.
“Very well,” he stood. “Will that be all, Mr. Blackthorn?”
“Yes. You may take your leave.” I knew he would take offense and the scowl he tried to mask didn’t disappoint.
When the door closed behind him, I turned and faced Axel. “What do you think?”
“As I said earlier, I think she’s hiding something, which makes me suspicious. I mean, Mr. Jackson has never met her, and she doesn’t really answer to anyone. That doesn’t make her a team player, or someone dedicated to The Agency.”