Page 61 of Hopeful Hearts
Brodie wasn’t sure what she meant by that, but the sparkling rainbow box on wheels that she returned with was the last thing he expected.
“A hairdresser never travels without scissors,” she stated with a matter-of-fact expression. If she was panicking, no one would have guessed it.
“What’s his name, please?”
“Emmet. Can you hear me?” She didn’t wait for him to respond.
“Emmet, I’m Liv. I'm going to try and get you more comfortable while we wait for the emergency services, okay?”
“I don’t think we should move him; in case it makes anything worse.”
Liv pulled out a pair of scissors and cut some of the airbag away, causing it to further deflate.
Without the white material blocking his view, Emmet along with Brodie and Liv could see the extent of the damage, and it horrified all three of them.
Emmet obviously saw it too because his eyes flew wide open and his face paled to a shade whiter than white.
“I hear the sirens. They’re almost here. Try to stay calm, bro. You’re going to be okay.”
“Thanks for stopping to help,” Brodie turned his attention toward her for a minute.
“No problem. I just hope you’re both going to be alright. Here.” She fumbled in her box of tricks again and pulled out a tissue.
Brodie arched a brow in confusion.
“For your ear. It’s bleeding. Maybe you should sit down.”
Brodie’s hand flew to his ear and felt warm blood on his fingertips. He pressed the tissue against it, refusing to acknowledge the throbbing headache that had started up.
If there was a day and a time for this to happen to someone, it was not now. Sophia needed him. She needed both of them.
“Austin? What are you doing here?”
“I thought I’d pop in and see how you’re doing. Big day tomorrow, right?”
“How are you feeling?”
“I’m not the one needing a kidney, Little Soph.”
“I know, but I’ve had a chance to wrap my head around all of this. You just had it sprung on you, out of nowhere.”
“If you knew me better, you’d know that happens to me all the time.”
“Can I ask you something?” Sophia asked as Austin lingered in the doorway.
“If it’s another body part, the answer is no,” he grinned.
“Not funny,” she chided. “I want to know what changed your mind?”
“You did.”
He approached her bedside, studying her long and hard. “When your husband called me, he said something about me going through with the transplant if I ever cared about you and I did–do–care about you.”
“You do?”