Page 7 of Hopeful Hearts
Brodie pulled away long enough to drink in another look at his future wife. Her eyes were so full of lust that he had to restrain himself from throwing her across the kitchen worktop and taking her until she screamed out his name in that husky tone she had. The one that drove him wild with desire.
He’d always been insatiable around Sophia and wanted her every hour of every day, but these days it was rare that she wanted him, too. With the sickness getting worse with each passing week, she’d been more likely to pass out with a good book on the sofa than go to bed with him.
Yet, Brodie knew Sophia better than she knew herself, and what she wanted right now was precisely that. His arms around her. Her hands on his skin and their lips pressed together from the first naked kiss all the way to their climax. The thought alone had him swelling and straining against his jeans.
Her lips parted, and she fluttered her long lashes, looking so deliciously innocent yet wicked at the same time.
“Are you sure?” He didn’t want her to think for one second she had to do this. If she wasn’t feeling well, then he had already resigned himself to the fact that he would pursue nothing more than tucking her into bed with a gentle kiss to her nose.
“I’m sure,” she smiled and tilted her head toward the winding staircase he’d custom built based on a sketch she’d given him, like most things in the home they shared.
Scooping her up, Brodie carried her upstairs as she landed a splattering of hot kisses on his neck. Each one of them driving him a little crazier with desire.
“Hurry,” she groaned, and he picked up the pace, reaching the bedroom in record speed.
Laying her down on the bed, he kicked off his boots and stepped out of his jeans.
“I don’t know whether to leave you in that dress. It looks too gorgeous to take off, but I know what’s underneath, so I’m afraid I’m going to have to get rid of it.”
“Just get on over here. It’s been too long.”
Tearing off his t-shirt, he positioned himself between her thighs and began landing sweet kisses there. The type where his lips barely skimmed over her creamy skin and made her tremble with need.
“Can I kiss you, here?” he asked, placing his fingers over the cotton of her panties, and she giggled. A light, free sound Brodie didn’t know how much he had missed hearing until it escaped her lips.
“Since when did Brodie Hart ask for permission to kiss me?”
“I’m just checking if you're good.”
“I’m more than good. I’ve been thinking about this moment all day. It’s what got me through. Picturing the smile on your face when I told you I’d marry you.”
“Hold that thought. There’s something I want you to put on.”
“Who cares what I’m wearing? Are you seriously going to make me wait?” She pouted.
“Just for a second. I’ve never made love to you as my fiancée before. It’s only right you should wear your engagement ring.”
“You are too sentimental for your own good, fiancé.”
“And you are too sexy for your own good, wife-to-be. Now hang fire, I’ll be less than five seconds.”
Regretting every step that took him away from her, he took the stairs two at a time and missed the last one, stubbing his toe on the newel post in the process. Cursing under his breath, he limped on to his goal.
“Everything okay?” she shouted after him.
“Five seconds,” he replied, rubbing his stubbed toe and scanning his jacket to remember which pocket he’d stuffed the ring box into.
“Jackpot,” he whispered to himself as his eyes landed on the jacket he was wearing last week when he proposed to her in hospital.
Reaching for it, he fumbled through the pocket until his hand wrapped around the small velvet box containing the ring.
Popping it open, he paused to gaze at the ring he’d had custom designed for her. A huge yellow diamond stared back at him, surrounded by dainty, clear diamond shaped petals, so they formed a daisy.
Daisies have always fascinated Sophia, and it horrified her they were classed as a weed. She often said daisies were the prettiest wildflower nature had to offer. The ring Brodie had purchased was definitely pretty, and rightly so. It has cost him over three months’ wages and was, without a doubt, the most extravagant thing he had ever bought. But he didn’t care a bit because in his eyes it was perfect, and that was all he wanted to do–give Sophia one perfect day, when nothing else mattered except for the two of them and their wedding vows.
Sprinting back up the stairs faster than he came down them, Brodie burst back into their bedroom to find his fiancée exactly where he left her. Eyes closed. The corners of her lips curled, forming a soft smile and her hair spread over the bedsheets like some sort of ethereal goddess.
He winced, knowing that she was going to kick his arse in the morning for not waking her. He could kick his own arse for leaving her to get the ring, but no amount of arse kicking would make him regret his choice.