Page 12 of Worth the Wait
He would’ve chuckled or made some smart-mouthed comeback, but either option would’ve required breathing. Hard enough just to do that, given the insanely sexy sway she was doing between his thighs.
She slid her hands over her body. Up and down, front and back, caressing her curves, teasing the edge of her t-shirt up to reveal her stomach and the bottom of her bra before letting it fall back into place. Still fully clothed and she made his balls ache.
Holy goddamn. He could order her to her knees—hell, he wanted to, but this was her game. And fuck, it was hot.
Hips undulating side to side, she descended. Totally controlled, so incredibly slowly. The trainer in him wanted to commend her for having strong legs. Occupational hazard. That particular compliment would keep until later. Right now, he’d just enjoy the show.
Her breasts grazed his thighs. So shapely and full, they should be naked and on display. No, they should be his hands, or better yet, in his mouth.
Her palms on his quads sent a streak of electricity shooting up his legs, straight to his balls. She slid her hands higher, past the bunched denim at his hips, to the base of his cock. She leaned in, her silky hair tickling his skin.
The temptation to arch his hips, get his cock between those luscious lips, almost won. He gritted his teeth. Spread his arms over the back of her sofa to resist pushing her head down. But Jesus, let her get on with it.
Warm breath wafted over his tip, adding to the torture of her fist moving up his cock. “You’re so rigid.”
The wordsno shitcame to mind. Before he could issue them, she looked up at him and bam—all words gone. Pretty eyes, fair skin with a hint of tan and dash of freckles. Shiny, pink lips hovering over the tip of his cock. Yeah, forget talking.
A wicked smile formed on her sexy mouth. “Look at your jaw and shoulders. You’re so tense. There’s nothing to be nervous about, Sam. We’re friends, you can trust me.”
“To tease me until I’m hard enough to pound three-inch spikes into a two-by-four with my dick? Already there, babe.”
“So, isthisas hard as it gets?”
Took him a sec, but he clicked on the reference to that moment in her shop when he’d attempted to kiss her for the first time.
Oh, she tried to appear disappointed with the state of his cock, but the smile creeping into place gave her away.
“Depends.” He winked and she laughed openly. He’d let her keep the lead—for the moment—but playing innocent was too much of a stretch.
“That sounds like a challenge.” Down went her head and out came her tongue, licking a line up the underside of his cock before swirling around the head.
The only challenge here would be the one to his self-control. He grabbed fistfuls of the couch as her lips closed over his dick.
Inch by inch, she took him deeper into her mouth. Her throat.
“Jesus.” So hot—the sensation, the visual. The fact that he had Leigh between his legs, sucking his cock. Especially that.
Her two-handed tug on his jeans took them down to mid-calf and brought his butt closer to the edge of the couch. Aggressive. Also, fucking hot. She smiled up at him. Cupped his balls. Drew one into her mouth, then the other, while pumping his cock with her fist. She hadn’t done this in a while? Sucking dick must be like a riding a bicycle, because she sure as hell hadn’t forgotten how to do it. One by one, she let his balls slide from the heavenly warmth of her mouth. Then added to the torture with a cool tickle of breath across his slick skin.
“Good?” she asked when he groaned.
“No. Amazing.”
“Guess that means I should keep going.” She rose higher on her knees. A coy smile came his way, then she took his cock in her mouth again.
A lock of hair escaped her ponytail as she bobbed, so he tucked it behind her ear.
Now that he’d touched her, he couldn’t give it up—or continue to play submissive. He kept his hand at the back of her head and urged her down. “Deeper. Suck it hard.”
An enthusiastic “mmm-hmm” vibrated down his shaft. Her cheeks hollowed from suction. Nails scraped his balls and beyond. She circled his asshole, pressed a finger against it. Jesus. She could’ve been a fucking porn star, the way she worked him. Only fifty times better, because there was nothing fake in the eyes looking up at him while she sucked him. Just raw enthusiasm. Hunger, as if she couldn’t get enough.
“Babe, you have to stop.” Thank God she did, because the heat at the base of his cock had reached a rolling boil. Five more seconds and he’d have lost it. The sight of her kneeling there, eyes glazed, lips puffy and glistening from sucking him, nearly did him in again. He leaned forward. Close enough to brush a soft kiss over those perfect lips. “I have to see you. All of you.”
She gasped as he tugged her t-shirt up and off. The ponytail elastic bounced to the floor along with her shirt. Her silky hair fell forward, framing her face.
“Leave it,” he said when she reached for the elastic. “I like it this way.”
“Messy and out of control?” She attempted to smooth her hair with her palms. Got frustrated and shook it out, an act that drew his eyes straight to her incredible jiggling tits.