Page 20 of Worth the Wait
“If you say so, Marguerite.” They passed Brian at the reception desk. Sam pushed and held the heavy front door, rather than press the button that would open it slowly and automatically. A small thing, but it’d please Marguerite, for multiple reasons. “Stairs today, or should we be lazy and take the ramp?”
She nodded at the steps while squeezing his arm. “With all these muscles, I can’t imagine you’re ever lazy.” A soft pink tinted her pale cheeks. “Don’t mind an old lady flirting with you, I’m harmless. But I could help you with that bare ring finger of yours. My granddaughter is lovely. Twenty-eight, a physiotherapist, quite spry. She’s the one who brought me here, maybe you remember her?”
“Of course. She’s a beauty.” He winked. “Like her grandmother.”
Marguerite’s granddaughter was gorgeous. As in, epically stunning. The red-haired bombshell with a fiery attitude had essentially threatened his life should her grandmother come to any harm while at the club. Totally hot, but he’d been in the process of getting his shit together at the time, and now there was Leigh.
He stood aside while Marguerite eased into the driver’s seat of her Cadillac. He closed her door carefully and lifted his hand in a wave.
Instead of leaving, she lowered her window. “I have Frances’s card right here.”
“Thank you.” And…the card was in his hand. “See you Tuesday, Marguerite.” He took the wide, metal-grate steps by twos, turning the card over and over in his hand as he headed inside.
Why the hell had he taken the damn thing? To be polite, maybe. Because old habits die hard and he’d automatically added Frances McKenna to his “future possibilities” list—yeah. Shit.
Brian stood at the front counter, tapping away at the computer. Pretty rare moment for both of them to be client-free. Sam wandered over and grabbed his water from the fridge. A reusable bottle, not one from inventory. The mature, environmentally responsible option. Also what was best for the club’s bottom line, since Brian refused to let him pay for anything.
Focus Fitness was Brian’s baby, a dream he was working his ass off to make a successful reality. The big man—literally, as well as figuratively—had everything on track. Career, business plans, a rock-solid relationship with his soulmate.
Sam didn’t begrudge his buddy any of those things, but seeing it all up close, the possibilities he’d missed while coasting through life left him hollow. He wanted more. Was ready for more.
“You’re doing a great job with Marguerite.” Brian closed the spreadsheet he was working on and leaned on the counter, facing Sam. “Not only is she moving around a lot better since you started working with her, she’s got a new spark. Holds her chin up higher and smiles easier.”
“She’s really taken to the training programs. Stomps all over that, ‘you can’t teach an old dog new tricks’ theory.”
“I suggest you don’t use that analogy in her presence.” Brian laughed while ducking a friendly right-hand jab. “And on that topic, how’re things with you?” He glanced at the handful of members currently utilizing the facility, including one very attractive client who’d made no secret she’d like her training with Sam to get a lot more personal. “Still swearing off the casual stuff?”
“Trying to.”
“But all those hot women won’t take no for an answer, right?”
“Exactly. I try threatening them with my big stick, but that just makes them more determined to have me.”
Brian snorted. “Good to know your ego’s intact. No comment on your stick.”
The downside of telling your best buddy everything—he knew everything. Including the crap Sam had gone through several months back when one of his recent hookups had called to inform him a trip to the doctor was in order. Liquid nitrogen treatments to get rid of human papilloma virus had shown him exactly how small hisstickcould get. Frightened turtle—oh hell yeah.
Still, he’d gotten lucky that HPV was the wakeup call he’d received. Especially considering all the times he’d shrugged off protection over the years. He’d been a real dick with his dick.
Sam hung around while Brian created a custom smoothie for a client. The three of them made small talk, and in the course of the following five minutes or so, covered baseball stats, the enduring hotness of Halle Berry and how Brian’s client could increase his Omega-3 intake. Then, without coming off like a salesman at all, Brian sold the guy a bag full of nutritional products and signed him up for another ten sessions of personal training. Brian was a force to be reckoned with, now more than ever.
Nothing like feeling proud and envious of your best friend at the same time.
“Almost time for my two o’clock.” Sam pulled up the client’s file on his tablet. “Mrs. Dwyer. Never misses a single minute of her training sessions.”
“Your female clients never do.” Brian’s expression shifted. Still smiling, but more sincere than amused. “Hey, before you go…thanks again for stepping in and taking over so I could be at the hospital with Cassie. I would’ve had to shut the doors if you weren’t here. Hell, I couldn’t do half of this, every day,” he nodded around the club, “if you hadn’t taken a leap and come on board.”
“Leaping is my specialty. And I’ve always got your back, man. Though I hope the next time I cover for you it’s under happier circumstances.”
“Odds of that are pretty good.” Now, a big, unabashed grin spread across Brian’s face. “After that scare with her appendix rupturing, I’m done waiting for the timing to be perfect or any other bullshit like that. We’re setting a date for the wedding.”
“Smart move.” He slapped Brian on the shoulder. “You two belong together. Permanently.”
“Hell of an endorsement, coming from a die-hard player.”
“Not so die-hard.”
Brian’s ginger eyebrows rose. “Never thought I’d see the day. Thinking of retiring your little black book?”