Page 78 of Worth the Wait
“No, thanks, you’ve done enough.” The comment could’ve been generic, grateful even, yet struck her as entirely the opposite.
She hugged herself against the subtle attack. If that’s what it’d been. Likely not, since Sam was the straightforward type, regardless of the subject, risk or consequences. He was an honest man. Always.
No, the attack she felt came from within. Guilt, with its poisoned edges honed for slicing through the toughest defenses.
“I’m going to round up our stuff, then we’re heading out.”
“Already?” She didn’t need to ask why. Didn’t want to hear him verbalize why. “Okay.” Hugging herself tighter, she nodded and moved toward the stairs. “I’ll help collect your things.”
Sam caught her by the biceps and held her arm, along with her gaze. “I’m not running away because you didn’t say it back. I have clients this evening and early tomorrow morning, so I’m staying at my sister’s tonight. I don’t want to rush in, dump Sachi on her and fly out the door. I told you that earlier.”
“I remember.” She’d put chicken in the fridge to marinate anyway. The light, early dinner she’d planned was now up in smoke—before making it onto the barbecue.
Sighing, he released her. “I don’t want things to end this way.”
End?“You’re breaking up with me?” Tears welled in her eyes. Stupid tears, tears of stupidity.
“Hell, no.” He reached for her again, this time, to pull her against him. Hugging her the best he could with just one arm, he pressed a kiss to her head. “I’m not breaking up with you. I’m like a bad smell in the gym—I’m not easy to get rid of.”
Laughter burst from her mouth, startling Sachi into a fresh fit of crying. “I’m sorry.” She eased free of the embrace, giving him room to settle the baby again.
“I thought we agreed to stop apologizing and move forward instead.”
“We did.”
“Then let’s stick with that plan. I know how much you like your plans,” he said, shooting her a wink.
Keeping it light worked for her. So much better than heavyhearted angst. “Think you have me figured out, do you?”
“I think I’m getting there.”
She couldn’t argue, even if she’d wanted to, because he was correct. Some of her personality traits would’ve scared off a lesser man. The universe had been extra generous when it gifted her with Sam.
“I’ll hold the little sweetheart while you get everything organized.”
“Thanks.” He stepped into her space, their gazes locking as he transferred Sachi to her waiting arms.
The simple touch ignited their connection instantly. It hummed between them, invisible, intense and insistent. Not just the sparks of sexual attraction, though those fired to life too, as always. This was more. The link between them had grown beyond physical craving.
“I loved spending the weekend with you.” She said the words to Sam before looking down at the baby in her arms. “And with you, blissful child.”
“Thank you,” he said when she met his eyes again. “That means a lot.”
A lot, but not truly enough. She couldn’t say the three words he wanted to hear. But she wouldn’t diminish the moment with a blasé response either. He meant too much. What they shared was too important.
“I don’t want to mess this up, Sam.”
“You won’t.” He stroked her cheek, cupped her face in his hands. “Wewon’t.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“Intelligence and determination.” Smiling, he kissed the tip of her nose, then stepped back. “Maybe a pinch of confidence.”
“A pinch? You need to spend more time in the bakery with me to learn what ‘a pinch’ of something is, because you havewaymore than a pinch of confidence.”
“Maybe I do.” His grin stretched ear to ear. “But I’ll take the baking lesson anyway. I’m going to need to know how to make cookies now that I’m a parent.”
“You’ll never have to make cookies as long as I’m around.”