Page 4 of High Stakes Holiday
“Of course I have hair. I just rarely wear it down. It’s not practical for the office and makes me look a thousand years younger. Believe me, no one listens if they think you’re younger than them.”
“What’s going on? I don’t understand. Why would you turn in a resignation letter and then arrange for us to have a week alone? Are you staying on after all? Was the resignation a joke?” His eyes narrowed. “Cam, were you just trying to get me to take a vacation? Because we could have planned that.”
“No, it’s not about a vacation, and yes, I’m still quitting. I’m leaving, but I want you to understand what it is like to have your life directed by chaos. Before I go, I will show you what it’s like to be at the beck and call of someone who uses that power on a whim.”
“Never. I respected your time, your hard work–”
“I tried to work, and your shenanigans kept me from focusing—”
“Cam-Cam, you needed to loosen up. Relax. At the rate you were going, you would have exploded.”
“And at the rate you were going, they would have locked you up in a psych ward.”
“It wasn’t that bad.”
“Singing strippers to celebrate my birthday.”
“You could have stopped them with a single safe word.”
“They wrote the word on their asses!” She took a deep breath and exhaled.
Blake grinned. “So, you enjoyed the show?”
“I’m not confirming or denying. But, the horny toads for Valentine’s Day, the confetti drop over my desk for New Year’s Eve, the jet planes to Paris for lunch were a bit much.”
“We were having fun. You know our office is very informal. Casual Friday, every day. You’re the only one who comes dressed like a drill sergeant.”
“Because someone has to keep law and order.”
“Is that why we’re here?”
“No, Blake. I paid for this weekend as a going-away gift to myself. We’re here because it’s my turn to watch you jump through hoops.”
His brows lowered. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
Blake Scott hadn’t jumped through anyone’s hoop in a long time. He’d been that kid—bullied and taunted for being smart. Trying fruitlessly to get the popular kids to like him. After high school, he worked at his dream company. Never in a million years imagining, adults could be just as cruel as school children. His parents explained that his co-workers were threatened by his youth and success. Jealousy and fear-of-failure were heavy loads to carry, no matter the age.
They’d reacted by attempting to stifle his creativity and transform him into their version of adulthood. It had almost broken his confidence in his ideas and visions. Sheer grit had him refusing to yield. He’d joined aDungeons and Dragonsgroup at the local community college he attended after work. They’d helped him to view his challenges at work as if he were on a quest. His objective was to defeat the jesters and win the king’s gold. Crazy as it sounded, it worked.
It helped when a pretty sophomore with long curly hair joined the group. Holly was the princess they all wanted to win, but she only saw Blake. Saw something everyone else had been blind to. He’d gladly turned over his vCard to her. Was there a better gift for a young man on his eighteenth birthday? She’d moved away, and the relationship fizzled, but the confidence remained.
Cameron Gray had become the most important woman in his life, since Holly. He loved driving her crazy because she fucking needed it. She was wound up so tight; he was constantly amazed that she didn’t burst. She was intelligent, efficient, classy, and sexy as hell. He’d pretty much do anything for her—including letting her have her petty comeuppance.
It only proved what he’d always suspected. Behind that cool, competent demeanor, she had as much wild and crazy as he did. He couldn’t wait to see what she had planned. He’d play along—up to a point. Because now that his queen was finally making her move across the board, his knight was waiting to block her in and scoop her up.
Game on.
Chapter 3
“Absolutely not.” Cameron grinned as she heard Blake complaining from his room. She’d told Isabella not to worry about packing his bags. Now she waited while he changed into her surprise.
“Hurry, Blake. I want to go swimming.”
“How come you never want to go when you’re at the house?”
“I’m not swimming with you naked.”
“So, you’d rather see me in these.”