Page 21 of Perfectly Knot
Her eyes lit up, and she gestured for us to follow us. “Come with me. I’ll get you set up in the back and we can go shopping!”
So we did. The girl's name was Terra, and she reminded me of a pixie the way she flew about the store. I told her my measurements, and she went looking for things that would fit me. Julian went with her. Xavier went to the lingerie area and kept giving me heated looks out of the corner of his eyes.
“Is anyone going to stop Xavier? I have a feeling if he picks out anything, it’ll be uncomfortable and not functional at all.” Amusement laced my tone.
Elias bent forward and whispered in my ear, making me shudder, slick flooding my pussy. “You won’t have to worry if they’re uncomfortable or functional for long because they’ll be ripped off within moments.”
I laughed breathlessly, trying to press my thighs together to relieve the ache. “What’s the point of having underwear then?”
“Yes, what is the point?” Simon wickedly licked his lips as his gaze trailed down the length of my body.
I’d set myself up for that one as my face flooded red.
“Here’s the first haul.” Terra appeared, holding a ton of clothes in her arms followed by Julian with the same overloaded armful. “Why don’t we go through what you like and don’t like?”
We spent the rest of the time at the store going through the clothes. Some I didn’t like instantly. I went toward the bigger, looser options, while the guys voiced their opinions about some tight fitting options. I felt awkward about letting them pay for my clothes, but I knew if I fought them on it, I’d lose, so I’d decided to enjoy the experience.
I let them pick a few things that I never would have picked, but it made them happy when they looked at the clothing, I couldn’t say no.
When Terra moved to the lingerie section, I begged them to go. “Please. I can pick out my own underwear.”
Julian was the one to move the alphas out of the store. “We’ll be outside.” He gave me a reassuring smile as they left and I could breathe again.
“They’re crazy about you.” Terra made the comment as she brought over some underwear. “That’s easy to tell from watching them watch you.”
I blushed and dipped my head. “I’m lucky.” We spent the next twenty minutes going over what type of lingerie I was comfortable with and picking out several pairs. I even got a lacey pair just for Xavier, not sure if I’d ever have the confidence to show him directly, but I was hopeful I would.
Terra put the lingerie in a bag before calling the men back into the store. Xavier looked like he wanted to ask about the underwear, but he glanced at Julian and his shoulders slumped in defeat. I couldn't contain my giggle at that.
“Can we have these delivered?” Simon was at the register. “I’ll be more than happy to pay extra for it.”
Terra had to get her manager, who agreed when Simon offered an outrageous amount. I tried to object but they all just scoffed at me.
When we left, Terra was moving the many bags of clothing to the back. I had to admit that many bags would be hard to carry around.
We went to other stores to window shop. I knew they did that for me. I found a few stuffed animals that I couldn’t help but hug. That’s all I had to do for Simon to buy them for me.
“Simon, I just hugged them!”
“So you like them enough to hug. We need to fill your nest with things that make you happy, this is a good start.” Simon chuckled, basically ignoring my protests.
My nest. I’d never had one before. I looked down. “Could we have some fairy lights?”
Xavier cursed softly and jogged away in the store. I looked up, confused.
“You just asked us for something you want.” Elias kissed me gently. “That’s Xavier’s way of being excited to get you what you want.”
I melted into the chair as I fought to keep my slick from becoming overbearing. Elias moaned behind me.
I hid a smile behind my hand. I loved hearing them get frustrated because of me. Me!
When we got to the food court, my nose was assaulted with so many delicious smelling foods, my stomach grumbled again for the second time today.
We waited in line with others at a popular Chinese chain. The men ordered a ton of food, making me think my eyes were bigger than my stomach by the time we sat around a table.
“This is almost like a date, isn’t it?” I looked as we ate delicious food.
Elias stopped eating before looking at me. “Little one, this is not a date. When we take you on a date, you’ll know.”