Page 40 of Perfectly Knot
“Will regret the day he raised a hand to you.”
“Where are Simon and Xavier?” I was on edge thinking about Xavier. As much as I wanted that man to pay for what he did to me, I also didn’t want Xavier to be arrested. Although, with the kind of power the four had, they probably had the best lawyers available at the drop of a hat.
“They were talking to the police and making sure that asshole is put away for a long time.” Elias’ chest rumbled with a growl, the sound oddly comforting. “They’ll meet us at home soon. Simon drove himself today, so Xavier will just catch a ride with him.”
We were quiet the rest of the way home. Julian kept a hand on my back as Elias continued to hold me. When we were almost home, Julian pulled out his cell phone after it beeped with an incoming text. The tone was the same one from the communicators in Star Trek.
A fact I’d teased him about, then told him I’d be down for a Next Generation marathon whenever he wanted. Captain Picard was way better than Kirk.
When Julian agreed with that statement of fact, he somehow became even hotter.
I snapped back into focus when Julian’s voice filled the car. “Doctor Murphy made it to the house already. Mary is setting him up in the formal living room.”
“The doctor must think I’m a klutz.” I tried to joke, but it came out flat. My jaw started to hurt, but it was nothing compared to the cramps radiating through my middle.
“The doctor just cares that you’re healthy, like we do.” Julian gently took me from Elias as the limo stopped. He held me as Elias got out of the car to turn around and pick me up.
He walked quickly up to the door, and Mary was there.
“Oh, my. Get her in here! I’ll make some tea for the dear.” She gestured for Elias to the formal living room. “The doctor is ready for you.”
I moaned softly as another cramp hit me, this time making me want to curl up. “Oh no.” Heat spread through me rapidly. There was no doubt in my mind now. Worst fucking timing ever.
Elias paused with Julian next to him. He sniffed around my neck and growled. “You’re in heat.”
“Perfect timing.” I dug my fingers into his arms, trying to fight back the need to launch myself into his arms and demand he knot me immediately.
Julian took a step back from Elias, breaking our connection. “Elias, I think it’ll be safer for all of us if I take her and watch over her as Doctor Murphy looks over her. You should head up to her nest. Your pupils are blown, you’re going into the rut.”
I whimpered softly. Rut. Heat. Need. It was overwhelming and all-consuming. Worse than any other heat I’d ever experienced. Even more so than last week. Damn it, shouldn’t the suppressants have lasted longer?
Elias’ eyes were wild as he looked between us and the door to where the doctor was waiting for us.
“Elias. Let us make sure she’s alright first. Go.” Julian didn’t usually raise his voice, but this time he did and it seemed to do the trick.
Elias nodded once and turned, leaving. I looked up at Julian.
“I’m sorry.” My voice was raspy and filled with gravel.
Julian looked down at me tenderly as he pressed his lips to my cheek. “No, no sorry. We knew your heat was coming, the guys even commented that your scent was more powerful, although we all thought we had a few more days. Let’s get you looked at first before we ease you through it, alright?”
The thought of them surrounding me, their cocks inside of me and knotting me, caused a moan to burst from my lips and a fresh wave of slick dampened my panties. “Hurry.”
Doctor Murphy was professional as he could be with Julian hanging over his shoulder through the exam. He breathed through his mouth as soon as I entered the room.
“I’ll be as quick as possible.” He promised Julian. He was not a stupid alpha. His touch was gentle and never lingered as he looked at all the spots that I told him hurt. “This isn’t the first time I’ve been around an omega that wasn’t my own in heat.” He chuckled lightly. “My own mate and circle would chop off my dick if I ever did anything untoward.”
Untoward? Doc Murphy was really old-fashioned. I hadn’t heard that word since my grandfather was alive.
He cleared his throat. “Your jaw is going to be tender for a bit, but mostly you’re just going to deal with some bruising.” He sat back, removing his gloves and discarding them in the trash. “I can give you a lotion to help speed up the healing process so you’re not bruised as long.”
He went through his case and handed a bottle to Julian. “She’s going to be tender, and she just needs rest, but with her heat coming now, you’ll just have to remember to be as gentle as possible. Unless you want to suppress her heat?”
I blushed at the implications of what he was saying to Julian. They both looked at me. It was my decision, I realized.
“No. I don’t want to suppress this heat.” Another cramp wrecked me and I curled up with a whimper. I just wanted my mates to ease me through it.
Julian just nodded and saw the good doctor out. “Be well, Alena. Let’s circle back up after your heat and make sure your jaw is all healed, okay?”