Page 60 of Perfectly Knot
“Good girl,” Simon praised, his hips moving faster. His cock thrusting in and out of me, as the rhythm faltered and we climbed toward our pleasure.
“Simon!” I screamed his name, my head dropping to Julian’s thigh as I spasmed with unbelievable pleasure.
His hands trailed up and down my back and sides as our breathing returned to normal. My skin flushed with heat and sweat trickled down my neck. “I think I could get used to waking up like this.” I giggled, moving to lie on my side after Simon pulled out.
He hadn’t knotted me. The guys explained to me the other day that they didn’t always have to. It was a conscious choice.
“I think I can too, love.” Simon kissed my shoulder as he draped an arm over my waist.
“Me three.” Julian beamed as he took my cheeks between his palms and kissed me softly.
“If you three are done, we have breakfast ready.”
I jerked upright, almost head butting Julian in the process. Elias stood in the doorway without a shirt, and gray sweatpants riding low on his hips. My mouth parted and the words I was going to speak vanished into thin air as I took in his chiseled abdomen and the perfect V trailing off into his pants.
“Huh?” I finally said, blinking as my gaze returned to his face. His brown hair was messy around his head in a stylish fashion, and his eyes sparkled knowingly. I’d been caught ogling him.
“Breakfast, little one. Come get some food so you have your strength for horseback riding in a few hours.” He winked. Damn, if that wasn’t a sight that could make a girl weak in the knees, I didn’t know what was. “You still want to go, right?”
“Of course I do,” I replied, crossing my arms over my chest.
“Let’s get you cleaned up and dressed.” Julian snagged an arm around my waist and helped me off the bed. “Then we’ll eat and see about a horse for you.”
I grinned wickedly. That sounded like the best plan ever.
“Oh, you are beautiful.” I cooed at the horse in front of me through the gate. The horse, a tall bay, was munching on some grass through the fence. “Can we be friends?”
After we’d showered and eaten, the guys and I set out to meet James at the stable. I couldn’t wait to ride my first horse. What girl didn’t dream of owning a pony and learning how to ride? Dreams were something I learned to give up on when I was a teenager, but now I was starting to think that I could believe in them again.
“That’s Stacey.” James, standing at my side, pointed out a smaller horse near the back of the corral. “That one is Honey. She’ll be the horse you learn to ride on.”
Honey was a beautiful black color that shone in the morning light. She was happily grazing alongside the other horses.
“When do we start?”
James chuckled as he gestured for me to follow him into the barn. He was a quiet man, but I felt comfortable with him.
The guys had already saddled up and were out with Noah and the cattle. Watching them get up on their horses had been a huge turn on.
Julian had to grab Xavier’s reins to keep him on his horse. The others laughed but gave me heated looks. I had a feeling I’d be feeling their knots by the end of the day.
A shiver ran down my spine as anticipation built in my core.
For the first hour of the lesson, James taught me about the saddle and everything that went along with getting the horses ready to ride. I hadn’t known there was so much to do just to get on a horse.
Then I was introduced to Honey, using an apple to get her friendship faster. She was gentle as she took the pieces from my hand. I loved her instantly. She was calm and just stood still as James let me help out on her saddle. She didn’t even budge when I swung my leg up and over her side as I got onto her.
James clapped as I settled in the saddle and didn’t freak out. His words, not mine. We spent another thirty minutes just walking in circles in the corral. Honey was so well trained that she walked herself. I didn’t have to do anything.
It didn’t seem all that long before James was on his own horse and leading me out of the corral. We went slow as we went toward where the other men were.
I clutched the reins but remembered not to pull back. That would have made Honey stress and back up. I just let her follow James.
The view from on top of Honey was different from just walking. It was awe-inspiring just to be here. If I was a painter, I’d be in Heaven.