Page 63 of Perfectly Knot
I blinked at her confused. “My wrist?” I glanced down at my wrist and noticed it was swollen.
“Yes. It feels like a sprain, but I would like to put it in a splint.” She bent, reaching into her bag. “I want you to rest for the remainder of the day. Take those OTC meds and get some sleep. I’ll tell your pack.” She pulled out a wrap that she started to put around my wrist. “As long as it’s just a sprain, the swelling should go down in two days' time.”
She touched my shoulder before standing, the gesture warm and comforting. “You get some rest.”
“Thank you, Doc.” Watching her leave, I sprawled out in the middle of the bed, ready to sleep for the rest of the day. Although I knew my guys wouldn’t let me.
I’d ruined the trip. I slumped slightly and hot tears streamed down my face. Now I couldn’t even ride Honey again before we’d have to leave.
“Woah, now.” Lucas came into the room carrying a tray. “Hey, darlin’, now none of that.” He placed the tray on the bedside and sat next to me. “Doc said only a slight concussion, and a sprained wrist. Why the tears?”
Sniffing, I took a breath. “Now I can’t ride Honey again before we leave.”
“Oh, darlin’,” he chuckled softly and reached up to pet my hair. “You’ll be able to come back any time. You may not be able to ride her, but you can brush her anytime you want. Does that sound okay?”
“Really?” The tears slowed.
Lucas’ shoulders shook with mirth. “Yes. Any time. Just not today. Today you rest.” He grabbed the water he brought and the pills on the tray. “Take these for me. Your guys are all clamoring to come in, but I said only after you had a minute to yourself.”
“Thank you, Lucas.” I took the pills and water. “The guys are lucky to have you.” I swallowed the pills quickly, finishing half the bottle.
“Damn straight they are, but you, my dear, are a precious gift to them. They’re out of their minds right now.” He grinned. “Wish I’d gotten it on video.”
I giggled. “They make me feel safe.”
“That’s just one of the many things a pack should do.” Lucas’ lips curved as he took the empty water bottle from me. “Now, I’m going to go let the beasts in. You get some rest, alright?”
Two days later, I stood back, leaning against the fence as I watched Alena brushing Honey. It was our last day in Montana, and none of us wanted to return to the real world. Her wrist was still wrapped up, which was driving her crazy, but we wouldn’t let her take it off early.
“She’s in love with that horse.” Noah came up to my side.
“It’s the first time I’ve seen her like this. Just happy and relaxed, not looking over her shoulder. Thank you for letting us bring her here.” I bumped shoulders with the alpha. “How much for the horse?”
Noah threw his head back and laughed. “Not for sale, bud, but I can guarantee we will keep her here for when you visit now.”
“Can’t blame me for trying.” I shook my head. “We will visit more often now for sure.”
Noah walked off whistling to himself. I turned and watched Alena for another twenty minutes, just enjoying the way she moved and the contentment radiating from her as she worked. When she was done, she put up the brush and came over to me, easily fitting into my arms when I opened them to her. She fit perfectly against me as I kissed the top of her head.
“You look happy.”
She tilted her head back and regarded me with a beaming grin. “I am. It’s been relaxing here. The hay ride was so much fun last night.”
We’d taken her out to a fire pit about two miles away and cooked dinner over the open flame. She’d ridden in the back of the wagon with the food supplies.
“We haven’t done one of those in years, so I agree. It was fun and special.” I kissed her gently, her lips soft and welcoming.
“Is it horrible that I don’t want to go?” She sighed resting her chin on my chest as she looked up at me.
My heart skipped in happiness. We’d done good this week by bringing her here.
“We’ll come back. I have Noah’s promise that Honey will be here waiting for you.” She giggled into my chest. “Plus, aren’t you excited to fly back home?” I wiggled my brows at her, making her giggle more.
“Will it be your turn?” Her husky voice sent a shiver of pleasure straight to my cock.