Page 72 of Perfectly Knot
I shrugged as we did another turn. “I just might not let him do his favorite thing tonight.”
“Remind me not to get on your bad side.” Julian brushed his waist against mine.
Shaking my head, I scoffed. “You guys are ridiculous, you know that?”
“If it makes you smile, we’ll do it.” Julian suddenly tightened his arm around my waist and tipped me into a dip. I squeaked, clutching his shoulders.
“Julian!” I was laughing as he brought me back up.
My laughter died as we turned and ran into a dancing pair.
“Oh, excuse us.” Julian apologized.
I started to shake as I met the eyes of the man.
Ryan. Dylan’s best friend and my second tormentor.
Ryan’s eyes crinkled in delight as he grinned at us. “Oh, not at all. It was my fault for not paying attention.”
I grabbed Julian’s hand, squeezing as tightly as I could. He looked at me in concern as I fought not to faint.
“It’s so good to see you again, Alena. I had heard you disappeared. I’ll have to tell Dylan that you’re doing well.” Ryan’s smirk turned evil as he took a step toward me. “May I have this dance?”
“No!” I backed up rapidly, running into another couple. “Get away from me, Ryan.”
Julian’s expression changed from confused to rage as soon as Ryan said Dylan’s name.
“Excuse us.” Julian snarled, not bothering to force an ounce of politeness. He took my arm and led me away quickly.
“I’m going to faint.” I tried to catch my breath, but no matter how hard I tried, my lungs couldn’t seem to get enough oxygen. “Julian, he knows where I am now!” I wrenched my arm from his hand and ran. I didn’t know where I was going, but I knew I had to get away. The air in the ballroom was suffocating, and I needed to breathe.
I should have known better. I should have known this could never last. I didn’t deserve happiness. Dylan would always be hunting me. If Ryan hadn’t bumped into me, they would have seen my photos in the papers.
Stupid. I was so stupid.
“Alena!” Voices called after me, but I ignored them. I saw a bathroom and pushed through the door.
I clutched the countertop as I tried to catch my breath. This wasn’t happening. It couldn’t be. Not him. No.
I sobbed into my hands before turning on the faucet in front of me. I splashed my face with water, trying to focus.
“I never thought you’d have the courage to leave Dylan. Maybe you have a bit more spunk than I gave you credit for.” Ryan’s mocking voice echoed through the bathroom as he stepped through the door.
I turned around, clutched the countertop behind me, and glared weakly. “Why are you here?”
Where were the guys? Had I really lost them when I ran? Stupid Alena, stupid, stupid!
“I’m here as a guest. Finding you was just a bonus.” Ryan stepped forward and his hand gripped my chin roughly. “You’re looking more chipper than the last time I saw you. When was that? Oh yeah, when you got those scars on your face.” His mouth curved wickedly. He squeezed my chin, and I winced at his bruising hold.
“Let me go! I’m not that scared little girl anymore!” I slapped his hand away and stepped backward.
“Alena!” Xavier burst into the bathroom, shoving Ryan to the side.
Ryan grunted before turning on him. “What’s your problem?”
Xavier eyed my face and turned to him. “Get the fuck out before I kill you.”
Ryan threw his head back and laughed. “You wouldn’t dare. Besides, I already sent a photo to Dylan. He’ll be coming to get his property back.”