Page 80 of Perfectly Knot
“You’re a real bastard.” Xavier had worn off on me. I never would have talked back or fought back before.
“Do you want to be smacked again?” Dylan hissed as he yanked my hair back. “This attitude of yours is not welcome, Alena.”
“Your touch is not welcome.” I sneered up at him even as the pain blossomed at his rough touch.
I had to get out of here. I managed to open my eyes enough to look around. We were in a hotel. A fancy one at that. Because of course, Dylan had to have luxury around him.
It could work out for me, though. If I could get out of the room, I could get help. I needed to reign in my temper.
“You never should have left me.” Dylan let me go and stood, starting to pace. “Do you know how embarrassing it was to have to explain that my fiancé disappeared?”
Because that was what was important. His image.
I managed to lean against the wall, panting from the pain. It was starting to ebb, at least there were little things.
“Why do you even care? You could get a new fiance who might actually like you.” Oh, boy. I really had no filter now with him.
“Because you were mine first.” Dylan walked to the table against the wall and picked up the gun he must have set here while I was unconscious. “If I can’t have you, no one will. Especially not those filthy commoners.”
I struggled to my feet, holding out a hand. “Dylan, please put the gun down.”
He glanced at me out of the corner of his eye. “Now you’re polite.” He set the gun down casually. “We’re going home in the morning.”
Fear shuddered through me. I wouldn’t survive if we left this hotel. I might not, knowing how erratic his behavior was. I’d never seen him this out of control or angry. How long had I been gone for?
Checking out the window, it was night time. So I’d been gone for at least a few hours. It had barely been five when I’d gone down to the first floor.
That’s when I remembered. Xavier’s tracker in my hairpin. With everything that had happened, I’d forgotten. A sliver of hope gave me enough confidence to reach up slowly, hoping not to garner Dylan’s attention, and looked to see if my hair pin was still there.
It was. Thank goodness. Tears burned in my eyes as I fought the urge to sob with relief. It was tangled up in my hair, but it was there.
Why hadn’t they found me yet? Bile rose in my throat at the thought that maybe Dylan had done something, but my guys were too smart for anything my shithead ex would think of.
They’d find me. I just had to have hope.
* * *
My foot tapped along the floor of the car as the city flew by outside.
One of our friends from the police force, Detective Allen, drove the car swiftly through traffic as we made our way to the Westin Hotel. Allen was the first person Elias called as Xavier tracked her movement on his app.
I sent up a silent prayer to whatever higher power there was that Xavier insisted on Alena wearing the small hairpin that housed a tracking device.
Nausea made my stomach toss and turn as I thought of how long it had taken to organize everything. Hours went by before we were finally able to get in the car and race toward our omega.
Turns out Dylan Abbott was wanted for a number of crimes including omega trafficking, embezzlement, and extortion.
The Seattle PD and the FBI were more than keen on helping us to get Alena back.
As long as they got to take that fucker into custody.
That was only if Xavier and Elias didn’t kill him first. The sheer violence that danced in Xavier’s eyes as he spun his knife on the table was downright scary, and I’d known him for well over a decade.
When I saw Dylan dragging Alena out of the lobby of our building, the pieces clicked into place. I’d met him years ago at some stupid society function.
He was an asshole then, and even more of a cunt now.