Page 11 of Alice in Chains
She turned her head, and for the first time pierced me with a haunted look that revealed much more than the few sentences she spoke. Her dark blue eyes were startling against her pale cheeks, almost imploring. An unsettling feeling washed over me. What horrors lay within the depths of her soul?
“It’s the only way to get back home.”
Alice suffered from Alice in Wonderland Syndrome, AiWS, or dysmetropsia. A neuropsychological condition that affected the perception of a patient’s surroundings. In Alice’s case, she was always in Wonderland and it didn’t seem like she wanted to leave. Her tragic past was rooted in her version of this fabled world and yet she felt compelled to return anyway. I could either sit back and observe, or play into her game to see where it led, and I had to admit, her game seemedmuchmore enticing than what I had been contracted to do.
Alice was left on my doorstep in the middle of a night that raged within a consistent barrage of heavy rain and storms. I had no name, no identification, just the shivering body of a girl charged with murder and in need of a psychiatric evaluation. The Organization never did like to give me much information. I guess that was a cheap thrill, part of a sick game of fun. They paid me to lead their sheep back to the flock while they observed from the sidelines.
Keep her in the dark, he’d said.Disoriented.
Make her believe that she belongs here, with us.
My head rose slightly as I glanced at the red light of the camera above, blinking incessantly as it signaled that our session was being recorded and an unknown audience sat back to watch this young woman’s self-destruction. Maybe they wanted to see her collapse or beg for her life.
It didn’t sit well with me.
Everything I did was on my own terms.
What these silent observers didn’t know was that Alice wasn’t like the countless others that came before her. I could sense that instantly. She was both strong-willed and determined. The fight still raged within her slender frame and I knew it wouldn’t take much for her to react. Even as she sat so prim and proper, I glimpsed a small spark of passion and defiance. To say I was intrigued would put it mildly.
Self-destruction wouldn’t be the case for this black sheep, not until she found what she came for. I knew the moment we began to talk that Alice was no ordinary patient. Her gaze remained locked on mine. The secrets she held swam within the dark orbs, but it wasn’t the gaze of someone who had lost their sanity. No, Alice knew much more than she led on.
Whatever her reasons or methods, this wouldn’t end well for Wonderland.
Leaning forward, I shut off the camera and prepared to watch the show unfold.
“What’s back at home?”
She lifted a finely arched brow. “What? They don’t get to hear this part?”
A faint smile ghosted my lips as I realized my bright patient had finally caught on that she was being recorded and seen by not one, but many.
I shrugged. “Some things are best kept between you and I. Don’t you think?”
I needed her to trust me. I wasn’t sure why. I yearned for it, a game of sorts to see how far I could take it. I wanted to see how long it would take until I broke her. Perhaps I was a sadistic fuck, but I wouldn’t be the first or the last to enjoy such games.
She smiled knowingly, a hint of humor dancing on those full sensual lips. I startled at the vision she portrayed. Part conniving seductress. Part innocent little girl. A contradiction that I unashamedly found intriguing and erotic.
Maybe that was where all those schoolgirl porn fantasies originated.
The way she looked was an odd reminder of her previous beauty. The haunted features made me wish I’d met her before all this. It was a foolish and fleeting desire. In a way I wanted her innocence back, yet I knew she was already too lost and broken for that. But maybe, if I could gain her trust there was a way to save her.
What am I saying?
I must be stupid.
My head is on the line here. One false move, one wrong word, and my life would pay the price for the pretty, abused captive.
But what if . . .
“Whatever you think is best, Doctor. Either way, you’re the one with the keys to my chains.”
I glanced down once again at the metal links that dangled from her wrists and legs, just enough pull to allow her to move her hands but no other freedom. These same links would chain her to her bed later tonight.
For a moment, my eyes closed, and I got a glimpse of her lying on that cold sterile bed, her legs chained and spread open for me as I let every fantasy in my head play out one after another. Her eyes would watch as I crawled up over her, ready to give the broken angel any pleasure she’d be willing to beg for.
“Doctor?” Her sultry, wispy voice startled me out of my lascivious thoughts.
I glanced her way and nodded, gesturing for her to continue.