Page 23 of Alice in Chains
I knew instantly and recognized the signs of these episodes. She wasn’t the first patient to experience such PTSD.
Approaching her calmly, I pushed the attendants away. “Alice. Alice, what’s wrong?”
She didn’t answer. She couldn’t.
Feeling protective, I demanded the others leave the room. “Get out! Leave me alone with her.”
One of the male orderlies started to protest and oppose my authority until I turned and gave him a threatening look. “Get. Out.” My teeth ground against one another as my jaw locked. If he didn’t listen, I’d throw him out.
When I turned back to Alice, she was shaking. Her breaths came fast and shallow. Chest rising and falling quickly, she didn’t see the world around her as reality. A clear sign she’d gone into a full panic attack. Instead of helping her, they’d wrapped her up in a straitjacket and shoved her in a corner.
Fucking Animals.
“Come, Alice. It’s Zachary, you can come with me now.”
I lifted her up carefully and laid her back down on her bed. Her body was trembling as she continued to stare off, but at least she was no longer screaming. I slowly released each belt that secured the jacket to her back, and once she was loose, I gently removed the heavy garment. Her shoulders immediately lowered as if the cumbersome burden no longer weighed her down - both mentally and physically.
She sat in my arms, her body pressed against my own, falling limply against my chest. Her eyes still had a faraway look as if she were reliving the unending memories that had assaulted her, and renewed whatever trauma haunted her soul.
“It’s not real. It’s not real,” she repeated, rocking slightly with each repetition.
She whispered the words and looked up, staring into my eyes as if she were telling me a carefully guarded secret.
“What isn’t real, Alice?”
“Everything. Nothing.”
I frowned and shifted, slowly leaning her back against the mattress. Lifting the leather straps, I slowly reattached her wrists and ankles to the bed. It hurt me to restrain her again, but I had to be sure Alice was safe. Even if it meant keeping her safe from herself. I secured her bruised wrists first, frowning at the marks on her pale skin. When I got to her legs, I paused. My perverted thoughts plagued me, both disturbing and exciting. Her nightgown had risen up her toned thighs and exposed the apex, a delicious peek of her panties. Blue silk covered her core, slightly indenting the material against her flesh. I swallowed hard, fisting my fingers and fighting my instincts, that naughty urge to reach out and run my finger along her slit. I had to keep myself from touching her, the fight was becoming too much.
I reached out and ran my palm along her soft thigh before gripping her calf. Lifting her leg, I slowly and gently placed the leather strap around her right ankle. Once I was finished, I lifted her other leg and did the same, my cock stirring as I noticed how wide she was spread. Open and vulnerable, she was a temptation I found almost impossible to resist. I wanted to crawl between her legs and run my tongue along that soft silk.
Just once.
Instead, I groaned and stared down at her body, my head slowly lifting until our eyes met. Those hauntingly blue irises fixated on my own, beckoning and daring me to take this further.
Do it, Doctor, they screamed.
The words hung between us unspoken, but yearning to be heard.
I shook my dark and possessive thoughts away and crossed over to the head of the bed. I stroked her head tenderly and then leaned down, giving her a swift but gentle kiss on the forehead. Lingering any longer, and I would have stayed, taking her up on her silent offer.
“Sleep, Alice. We’ll talk tomorrow.”
Resigned, I slowly closed the door behind me and turned to face the staff. The orderlies stared back, questioning my methods. I was sure they would run and tell their superiors what the good doctor did. I was forever challenged, and it grated on my nerves.
A byproduct of Wonderland’s influence.
With a stern voice and a threatening look, I addressed them. “If she screams again, call me. I’m not sleeping or leaving for the remainder of the night. I’ll be in my office should the need arise to contact me.No oneis to touch her. Do you understand me?” My voice rose in anger remembering what they had done to her before I arrived. “If any of you lay another hand on her, I’ll make sure you don’t have one left in the morning.”
* * *
Alice sat directlyacross from me, those same damn chains attaching her to the same fucking metal chair. I was sick of seeing her like that. My patience with this game was coming to an end. Neither of us would last much longer.
As always, my hungry gaze sought her out, eager and desperate to drink her in like an aged liquor and savor her beauty on my tongue. Her pale skin shone with a rich luster in the low lighting as I swallowed and ignored the reaction my body had to her close proximity. The metal was such a cold contrast to her warm softness. Her eyes were blank and sad today as unshed tears threatened to fall.
“What happened last night, Alice?”
“I had a nightmare.”