Page 31 of Alice in Chains
She didn’t hesitate. “Yes.”
“Take me back into the boiler room, Alice. The one with the platinum facade. The one where you met those men.”
I knew about the rooms, of course. The keycard entry. The colors that indicated each level of sexual sin and debauchery. She’d described many of them . . . but not all.
“Show me.”
Her smile instantly turned into a frown and she shook her head. “I don’t want to go in there.”
The experience she’d had was traumatizing, and her memories had her reliving every single agonizing moment. I knew her mind was vulnerable, which made my actions even more revolting as I molded her to my liking, using her experiences to place her exactly where I wanted her. “Don’t you trust me, Alice?”
“Yes,” she whispered, “I do.”
“Then do as I say. Take me by the hand and pretend I’m with you in that room. I’m the one searching.I’mthe one who finds you.”
A deep sigh emanated from her lips and I leaned in, tracing them lightly with my fingertips. My obsession with her knew no bounds. I was sucked in so deep, so completely. My need for her was never quenched enough, no matter how often I was in her presence.
Our dangerous game grew more deadly and intoxicating with every session.
“What do you see, Alice?” I breathed against her lips, close enough for her to merge our flesh together if she desired. She licked at the smooth skin, her tongue lightly brushing my mouth as something dark stirred down deep inside.
“I’m inside the room. They’ve left me all alone,” her voice wavered. “I’ve been here for hours.”
“Are you scared?” I asked as I swept my fingertips along the bare skin of her arm.
“Yes. I’m very scared. I feel like I can’t breathe.” Her labored breath signaled a pitch in her heart rate. “They left me,” she repeated.
“Shhhh, you’re not alone, my sweet Alice. Look for me in the shadows. I’m always there. Look for the hat, it gives me away.” She almost smiled at the comment. “Tell me, what do you see?”
“A man. He’s coming toward me.”
“Icame to find you, Alice. Do you see me?” I whispered in her ear as I let my hand roam along the silk covering her plump breasts, my thumb brushing lightly over one nipple as it puckered beneath the fabric.
“Yes, I see you.” Her sultry whisper ignited a raging fire in my blood.
“You’ve been here a long time, haven’t you, my sweet girl?”
Her brows were drawn together in a frown. “Please help me, Doctor.”
I watched as her eyes fluttered and her lips parted. Her body responded to mine so easily. I could feel the heat emanate as I remained close.
“Help me,” she pleaded on a broken and desperate gasp.
I was the only one coming to save her. Nothing but a memory now, I didn’t want to know how she suffered and yet a sadistic part of me wanted to relish in it. Anger rolled across my back and shoulders at the thought of another man possessing what was mine and I roughly yanked her thighs apart.
“Tell me what you feel, Alice.”
“His hands are on my breasts. They’re gliding along my body. My pussy, it’s vibrating. It hurts.”
She whined while I swept my hand up her thigh until I hit the crevice of her sex, the dampness of the cloth proof of her heightened sensitivity and arousal. Her excitement increased my own.
“Did those men hurt you, Alice?” My whisper was suggestive in her ear, implanting myself and my darkest desires into her thoughts and penetrating her dreams.
“They beat me.”
Sucking in a breath, I couldn’t resist the small groan that escaped my lips at the thought of inflicting both pain and pleasure at the same time from Alice’s young and eager body. “Were you behaving badly?”