Page 48 of Alice in Chains
Turquoise blue lights trickle down from above and bathe the bodies of everyone inside in a cerulean tint. There’s a stage placed in the center of the room. A man and a woman are fucking as men watch and jerk off to the wild display. A surge of water floods the stage and I hear the girl’s wrangled cry as the sharp jet hits her spine. The man pulls his tie away and slides it around the woman’s throat as he shoves her naked form into the water. She’s fighting him but he doesn’t relent. He forces her down on all fours and thrusts his dick inside her pussy, pulling the tie so there’s no slack. Her face is turned upward as the water rushes into her mouth and nose. Her hands reach upward as he repeatedly smacks them away and fucks her harder, leaving her submerged in the water as the tie keeps her head tilted back. She sputters, chokes, and claws at the tie but the man is brutal, pounding into her relentlessly for so long I fear she’s going to pass out or die. He eventually comes hard and releases her as she collapses, her body convulsing as another man takes his place and possesses her ass, fucking her like a lifeless doll while she stares out into nothingness, not even caring.
I’m in shock as I turn from the stage and see yet another young woman strapped down on a bench as three men start a machine with a dildo attached. It enters her pussy and fucks her as she screams, the men stroking their cocks to her wild cries and struggles. They force her to lay back and take turns with her mouth, inserting fingers and objects into her ass as her voice grows hoarse from their cruel treatment. I catch a glimpse of her face and stumble backward when I can see the agony that combines with her tears. She cries the entire time as the machine fucks her raw.
I can’t take anymore.
I bump against a hard surface and a shrill hiss echoes in my ear as something holds me trapped in its grasp. I struggle desperately against its grip, crying out as a claw slices through the flesh of my arm. Dark laughter echoes from a loudspeaker, a far-off sound that follows me as I cover my arm and run from the room, droplets of my blood making a crimson trail that’s easy to follow.
The hall is dark and gloomy but so is my soul.
Wonderland is now and will forever remain very present in my reality. It’s a depraved hell, a haven for sexual degradation and sin. A sex ring where women are taken, used, and abused for as long as they can last. Their bodies thrown away without anyone knowing, without anyone caring for their sad fate.
The hissing echoes behind me and I spin, facing the maniacal cat that looms larger than life, growing steadily until he turns into the face of my own personal nightmare, Dominic Chartreuse.
Screaming, I hold up my hands as he launches forward, ready to tear me to shreds . . .
* * *
I struggledagainst the restraints that kept me trapped and tied to this godforsaken place. It was a death trap, a place where men paid in order to claim their darkest fantasies. I recalled how every room in Wonderland had a specific meaning and purpose. The faint memory of auctions where women were bid on and sold was clear in my head as I helped them dress and told those young girls what they needed to hear before they stood up on the stages. Keycards were coveted in Wonderland, where men paid millions of dollars just to gain access to a room where they’d be given total freedom in their debauchery. Only the most elite would gain access to the most desired and expensive areas. One in particular. TheGoldRoom.
A room that solely belonged to Dominic Chartreaux. A room I knew only too well.
Flashes and visions of the other girls, the relentless sex, the forced submission, and my own degradation filled my head until I couldn’t take it anymore. My fingers pressed into my temples and I tried to block the memories, but they wouldn’t be contained any longer. Surfacing with a vengeance, they consumed and dominated until all I could do was scream and beg for it all to stop.
I flailed, my limbs flinging in all directions as I kicked and squirmed. I cried out, shouting the truth to anyone who would listen. If anyonewouldlisten in this house of horrors.
“They’re all being raped and tortured! Wonderland will kill them all!”
I called for the only person I knew who could help me. I screamed for him, praying he would answer and end this hell. The torment was too much. The trauma must have been severe enough to cause a reaction. My body convulsed, trembling with the pain and horror. Those girls were all dead. I knew they would be replaced easily as new girls were forced to perform and fuck for their corrupt masters. The cycle would never end.
My mind was lost. I fell into a dark hole, an endless abyss where the memories of every girl, every rape, every murder, and every cover up was perpetuated over and over again.
Screams continued to launch from my throat as I cursed Dominic, Absolem, and everyone in Wonderland. There was one more just as responsible for my suffering. One man whose secrets and lies hurt so deeply I may never forgive him.
I fought my restraints for what felt like hours, pulling and yanking on the chains as they rattled. My mind was so confused I couldn’t tell if I was still dreaming or wide-awake.
God, I hope this is a dream. Please let this all be a dream.
A hand clamped over my mouth, a hard-muscled body pressing enticingly against my own.
My fear slowly subsided and was replaced by sudden heat. Strong hands were running up my body, caressing me softly, almost soothing my aches. I fought against the hands for a moment, afraid that it may be another lie. My legs spread on their own accord as fingers caressed my sex. I sighed and undulated at the intense pleasure slowly heating up in my core.
Terrified, my body jolted into awareness as the nightmare began to fade. Shaking and covered in sweat, I blinked as my eyes focused at first on the ceiling of the padded room, then at the shadow looming over me. His eyes rose to mine, and I was now staring at the man bold enough to enter my room and touch me with such familiarity.
My betrayer.
Chapter 15
Dominic hadno right to do that, to repeatedly infiltrate her dreams and terrify her over and over again. When I made it to the observation deck, he was already waiting for me to arrive as he leaned back in the leather chair, his last words to Alice resonating throughout the facility as the speaker echoed with cold finality.
“You had no right!” I shouted, consumed with rage.
“Why do I find that I am constantly repeating myself around you?” He was a menacing shadow as he slowly stood and walked towards me. “I warned you, Zachary, and you disobeyed a direct order!”
Fuck you,I wanted to yell, trembling with fury.
I knew what I’d done was inconceivable in Wonderland. He’d probably lost millions of dollars from the lack of presentation I’d given when I skipped the live performance by Alice. But deep inside there was a voice in my head that laughed with glee, because that side of me was getting a slight bit of vengeance.