Page 54 of Alice in Chains
“You’re just like them. All you want is to take my life away from me. You won’t leave me alone. You won’t let me breathe.”
“Is that what you think this is?”
“If you truly loved me, Zachary, you wouldn’t have kept me here so long.”
“I was here to help you, Alice. Whether you believe in me or not.”
“And to get your kicks off, right? Because you couldn’t resist a pretty, pink pussy.”
“Enough!” I stared at her, the heat between us palpable. “You get off on this, don’t you? You get off on the fighting and the darkness of it all.”
“Isn’t that what this is all about,Doctor? The darkness.”
She spoke my title as if it was a vile word. I hated to hear it dripping from her lips with such venom. I placed my hands on either side of her waist, my lips only a breath away from hers. “Remember one thing, Alice. I am stillyourDoctor.”
She glared at me with defiance before her gaze dropped, lingering on my mouth and the urge was suddenly too much for us both to handle. Crushing her lips with my own, I conveyed my love with action instead of words. Her moan confirmed that I was the one she wanted. I slipped my tongue against the seam of her lips and pushed gently through, slowly stroking her as I reached in my pocket for what she wanted the most.
Pulling away, I looked down, slipping the key into the first lock. My eyes met hers as I unclicked her cuff, and her eyes widened as she realized what I had planned all along. I reached over and unlocked her other wrist, my hands gliding down to her ankles as I slowly and tenderly unstrapped her from the bed. She simply lay there, watching me with a shocked expression.
I raised my head to gaze directly into her eyes, my heart silently breaking for everything she’d been forced to endure, every minute of suffering.
“Now you’re free, Alice,” I choked, fighting the intense emotion building in my chest. “No more chains to hold you back, my love.”
“Why?” she whispered.
“Because it’s the right thing to do, Alice. I know what has to happen now.”
She gulped, neither of us fools, but both of us certain that everything was about to change. “But I may destroy you in the process.”
She’d already wrecked me. My heart was irreparably broken, the pain so fierce that my jaw locked. “As long as you find a way to ruin Wonderland, then I’m yours to destroy.”
“Zachary,” she sobbed and leapt into my arms.
“I’d never hurt you,” she whispered fervently.
I squeezed her tight, the tear I’d fought back slid down my cheek and onto her shoulder. “Do what’s right, Alice. But don’t think I won’t see you again, becauseI will.”
She pulled away gently, tears brimming in her eyes.
I gently cupped her chin. “And when I do get back to you, Alice. I won’t let go.”
She smiled as if she cherished the words, as if they were a secret, and the knowledge was enough to keep the pain at bay for a few minutes longer.
I reached for a bag that was hidden beneath her bed. I’d put it there a few nights ago. “Take these,” I offered, placing my car keys into her hand. “I’ve wired all my savings into this card. It’s yours.”
She pushed it towards my chest, shaking her head. “But what if you need it? You can’t stay here.”
I shook my head and clamped the keys and card between our clasped hands. “Take them and run. Don’t worry about me. I know what I need to do.”
Her frown deepened as she hugged the items to her chest, taking the duffle bag from my hand.
“I put some sweatpants and shirts in there. It was all I could find. Oh, and a pair of sneakers, I think . . .”
She pressed her fingertips to my lips to stop my rambling. “You’re a good man, Zachary.”
“Don’t say it that way.” It sounded so final and ripped my heart to shreds just a little more.
“But you are. And I’ll never forget you or what you’ve done for me.”