Page 101 of A Dangerous Game
Chapter Sixteen
Nathanhashimselfhypedup for the day. It helps that he took a few minutes to talk with Carter. That conversation between them was almost… normal. The normal they had before, whenever they were Nathan and Carter together in the bedroom. It didn’t feel weighed down with heartbreak and betrayal.
Granted, Nathan now has to fucking draw the boy something, but… beggars can’t be choosers.
Drawing aside, he’s feeling good. Prepared. In control.
Then he rounds the corner into the dining room and the world drops out from under him.
Benny is showing Casey off to the men.
After a second ofwhat the fuck, Nathan recovers. He tugs at Carter’s leash and looks down at him. When their eyes meet, Nathan narrows his eyes and jerks his head once to tell him a firm don’t you dare do a single fucking thing. Carter drops his gaze and clenches his fists against the floor.
When Nathan looks back up, he meets Benny’s eyes. Chris is not-so-gently patting Casey’s cheek and telling Benny that he’s got himself a pretty little slut. Benny tears his gaze away from Nathan and grins. “Isn’t he?”
“A little used up and scarred for my taste,” Jason says with a sneer.
The words make Casey curl in on himself, which Nathan fucking hates. He can see by the way Benny’s eyes flash that he’s not a fan either. “He’s exactly what I’ve always wanted. And don’t worry, Jason. He’s plenty fucking tight still. How nice of you to be worried about my pleasure, though.”
Jason gives him a dirty look, but then he catches sight of Nathan and straightens up. If he had anything left to say, he swallows it down. He must think if he behaves he’ll be one of the men rewarded with a slave of his own. Which is a fucking joke.
As everyone takes their seats for breakfast, Benny sidles up to Nathan and says quietly, “I texted you.”
Nathan winces. He had felt his phone buzz when he was talking with Carter, but he couldn’t get himself to interrupt the conversation to look. Then he’d just completely forgotten about it. “My fault. Should’ve looked. Sorry.”
“It was his idea.” Benny scans the men, probably to make sure no one is finding it weird that they’re still standing and whispering together. Nathan takes the opportunity to glance down at the boys. They’re just inches away from each other, but behaving perfectly. “He wanted to be here for Carter.”
“He’ll have to…” Nathan trails off, gesturing vaguely toward the table.
“He knows.”
The house slaves come in, starting to take orders. After exchanging a final look, Nathan and Benny go to their seats.
Nathan knows the moment Casey takes Benny’s cock in his mouth to warm him. Not because he sees it, or because he watches Benny, but because he feels Carter go tense between his own legs. He takes a chance by reaching down and resting a hand on Carter’s head. Instead of pulling away like he’s been doing recently, the boy leans into the touch. He even relaxes a little.
Maybe today won’t be so terrible after all.
Twenty-seven seconds after the clock hits 8, one of the rookies hurries into the entertainment room, nearly knocking over a slave as he yells, “Someone just tried breaking in!”
Nathan slowly turns in his chair, an eyebrow raised. “Into the mansion? Or the compound?”
“The mansion.”
“Do you have them?” Benny asks next, sounding more alarmed than Nathan. That was what they had agreed on. Nathan would be calm, but annoyed by the news. Benny would go directly to high-alert. That’s his job - to handle these things so Nathan doesn’t have to.
“Yes, sir. Rogers and Matthews has him. They sent me to tell you.”
Nathan takes a long pull from his drink, sighs heavily, and stands up. “Any idea who the fucker is?”
“No idea, sir.”
Well, that's fucking annoying.They should recognize Maison fucking Beckett. Rookies or not, he's pretty high profile.
"Fucking find out,” Benny growls. “And send out two teams to search the area. He’s probably not alone.”
Nathan sighs again, then gestures towards the men scattered around the room. “Everyone lockdown until we have this figured out. Benny, give me your whore. I’ll drop him off when I drop off mine and meet you out front.”
“Not out front,” Benny says when he hands over the leash to Casey. “I’ll have them bring whoever it is to the dungeon, just in case they need a little coaxing to talk.”