Page 106 of A Dangerous Game
Hearing him admit it doesn't feel nearly as good as Carter hoped it would.
"I don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight."
"You should try," Nathan says softly. "I can take the chair."
“You sure?”
“Of course.”
Carter still doesn’t think he’ll be able to sleep, but he figures it’s worth a shot to try. He climbs into his spot on the bed, careful not to disturb Casey who has slept through their entire conversation. Nathan disappears into the closet while Carter gets settled. When he comes back out, he’s in low-hanging gray sweatpants and a tight black shirt with an emblem over his heart Carter doesn’t recognize. He looks unfairly sexy for a man in sleep clothes.
He offers a soft smile when he notices Carter looking at him. “Get some rest. Tomorrow night, this is all over.”
Carter nods before curling onto his side and forcing his eyes closed.
It hadn’t sunk in that things would be over tomorrow. This is his last night in the compound. Last night in this room. This bed. Last night with Nathan.
And they’re a room away from each other.
He supposes it’s for the best. He’ll have to get used to not being with Nathan. Might as well start practicing now.
When Carter wakes up, Casey is gone – he has a vague sleep-hazed recollection of Benny coming for him last night - and Nathan is asleep on the chair. He rubs his eyes and stumbles to the bathroom. He doesn’t make it there, though. Not when he spots what’s resting on Nathan’s lap.
It’s just a simple sheet of white paper. The kind people use for their printer. Beneath it is a hardcover book. In Nathan’s slack hand is a pencil.
Carter has to tilt his head to see what Nathan drew. When he realizes what it is, his breath catches in his throat.
He drew Carter. He drew him sleeping in the bed, face pressed against the pillow, lips slightly parted, a lock of hair falling onto his forehead. The blankets are pushed down and tangled in his legs. One hand is curled on the mattress, like he’s reaching for something. Or someone.
Despite only having white paper and a pencil, Carter can tell in the drawing where the light is coming from, parts of the drawing in shadows while others are illuminated.
It’s not perfect - he can tell Nathan got frustrated in areas, dark slashes and smeared graphite giving him away. It’s good, though. Damn good. Especially considering Nathan claims he hasn’t drawn in years.
Carter can’t believe he actually drew something for him. Especially something so… intimate. There’s no doubt how Nathan feels about him when he looks at this drawing. It’s like the man’s heart was spilled onto the page.
Maybe it’s not meant for Carter. Maybe Nathan planned on giving him something else entirely, hiding this forever.
Maybe Carter should sneak away and see what happens.
Nathan shifts in the chair, then jumps. Carter looks up from the paper to find the man staring at him with wide brown eyes. “Fucking hell, Carter.”
Carter takes a step back, laughing breathlessly. “Sorry. I was… snooping.”
“Huh?” Nathan wipes at his face, then looks down at his lap and freezes. “Oh.”
“It’s beautiful.”
“Yeah.” Nathan’s lips twist into a sad sort of smile. He drags a finger along the curve of Carter’s drawn face in a way that makes Carter’s chest feel tight. “Not hard when the subject is beautiful.”
Carter bites down on his bottom lip to keep from saying anything he’ll regret. He takes a deep breath while he’s at it. When he’s certain he isn’t going to confess his love or tell Nathan he forgives him or say anything else that would be idiotic, he speaks. “I should take a shower. Long day ahead of us.”
“Very long.” Nathan puts the paper off to the side and stands. “You’ll be in here for most of it, though. I’m keeping you away from Maison until the party. Everyone wants to see the moment you two reunite.”
Carter’s stomach goes sour. “Right. Of course they do.”
“I can have Benny bring Casey back in if you want. He could keep you company for the day.”
“Yeah. Okay. Thanks.”