Page 62 of A Dangerous Game
You’re a slave,Carter says to himself in his mind.You’re nothing but a slave. Be a good slave.
Sir drops the damp towel onto Carter’s head when he’s finished with it. “Dry yourself off so you don’t get everything wet. Then meet me in the closet.”
Before Carter can even say, “Yes, sir,” the man has already walked out of the room.
Just a slave, just a slave, just a slave.
Carter towels himself off as quickly as he can, places the towel in the proper bin, and hurries to the closet. Sir is rifling through his underwear drawer, his naked ass cheeks flexing as he shifts on his feet. The only thing that keeps Carter from getting hard at the beautiful sight is the lingering hurt in his chest from how sir treated him earlier. He shakes his head, mad at himself for still caring. You. Are. Just. A. Slave.
He kneels on the carpet in a perfectRestposition and waits.
“Get me a suit. A gray one. White undershirt. Black tie.”
Carter’s, “Yes, sir,” gets caught in his throat. He swallows around it the best he can and starts to move, getting everything sir requested.
He helps sir get dressed like usual, which helps settle him a little. Especially when sir ends the process by running a hand through Carter’s damp curls and murmuring, “Good boy.”
The warm, fuzzy feelings from the simple praise evaporates a moment later when sir adds, “I won’t be getting you ready at all. It’d be pointless. You’ll be getting cleaned and prepped by a professional today. I want you to look perfect for the guests tonight.”
“A… professional, sir?”
Sir finally looks at him - Carter can’t see because he’s being good and keeping his gaze down, but he can feel it. He just knows. Finally, sir is giving him attention. “We discussed this last night, remember? A group that specializes in this sort of thing are coming by. They’ll be getting all of my house slaves ready too, but you’ll be individually taken care of by the head of the group, Kate. You will be very good for her, do you understand?”
Carter has so many more questions, but he’ll wait to ask them until he’s Carter again. Slaves don’t ask questions. Slaves just obey. Even if the realization that some stranger named Kate is going to be touching him - and he’s been ordered to be very good for her while she does.You’re just a slave, Carter. Be a good slave.
“Yes, sir.”
Nathan is in a bad fucking mood. His men are annoyingly hyper and happy at breakfast, at lunch Benny tells him that Vasco’s plane is running behind schedule, and after lunch is when he has to deliver Carter to Kate and fucking leave him with her.
It doesn’t help that Carter looks at him with his big blue eyes when Nathan brings him into the room where Kate has everything set up. He can tell every crawl forward is difficult for the boy. He doesn’t want to be here. He’s terrified to be here. And that terror is reflected in that single look he gives Nathan before dropping his gaze back to the floor where it should be.
He should have explained this better to Carter last night. Honestly, he hadn’t thought it’d be such a big deal for either of them. He was clearly really fucking wrong.
“Nathan, dear!” Kate comes forward, grabbing Nathan’s shoulders and pressing a quick kiss to each cheek. He returns the gesture. “Happy birthday!”
“Thank you, Kate.” He fiddles with the hand loop of Carter’s leash, not ready to hand possession over quite yet. “This is my slave. I don’t believe you’ve been lucky enough to meet him yet.”
“I haven’t. I had another party I was helping with the night of the Kensington’s soiree, but I hear it was quite a show. Do you think I’ll get a similar peek tonight?”
Nathan forces a casual smile. “I’m sure you’ll enjoy the night’s events.”
“I’ll make sure he's beautiful for the show." She claps her hands together and grins. "Now, one last thing before I send you off. You always like a citrus scent for your communal slaves. Is that the scent profile you'd like for your whore, or would you prefer something else?"
He’d prefer she not call the boy he loves a whore.
“I’m partial to the scent of vanilla.”
Her eyes light up. “Oh, we have a vanilla brown sugar product group that you’ll just love!”
“Excellent.”This is still Carter. Still the boy Nathan loves."Listen, I only use blindfolds as punishment for him, so don't blindfold him. I also don't tend to cage his cock. He's far too pretty when he begs to come."
She laughs mischievously. "Noted. Alright, go, go, now. I have a lot of work to do!"
“Pet,” Nathan says, taking Carter's chin in his hand and forcing him to look up. "I want you to spend the day thinking of only me. Focus on how badly you want to please me. How much of a whore you are for me. Not a thought belongs in this head but me. Understood?"
Carter blinks, his gaze looking a little hazy.Good. “Yes, sir.”
Panic rises in Nathan when he drops Carter's chin and steps away. He shoves it down and hands over the leash. Hands overCarter.