Page 98 of A Dangerous Game
Chapter Fifteen
The words echo in Carter’s mind as he showers. As he towels off. As he stares at his bruised and skinny body in the mirror.
Maison will be here tonight.
The words echo in Carter’s mind as he politely declines Nathan’s offer to be put into the slave-mindset today. As he grabs his usual plug and lube with shaking hands. As he kneels on the floor and prepares himself.
Maison will be here tonight.
The words echo in Carter’s mind as he waits for Nathan to get dressed. As he arches his neck so Nathan can clip the leash onto his collar. As he crawls to the door.
Carter blinks up at Nathan, realizing they’ve been at the door for a while now. “Sorry – what?”
“You can do this. You won’t even be there, remember? You’ll be back here before he comes.”
Right. Because when the house goes into lockdown for a breach, Carter will be sent to the bedroom. By the time they figure out it’s Maison, he’ll be safely locked away and out of sight.
Nathan seems to think this will ease things for Carter.
In reality, the not-knowing is probably going to drive Carter out of his fucking mind.
“I know.” Carter takes a breath, wishing it felt better than it does. He knows logically that his lungs are getting enough air, but that isn’t stopping them from acting like they’re being crushed. “I know. I’m fine.”
“Are you?”
Carter laughs breathlessly. “No. But I know how to act it.”
“Okay.” Nathan checks his watch, frowning at it. Then he reaches down and unclips the leash from Carter’s collar. “We have 20 minutes. Let’s just take a breather, okay?”
He doesn’t think it’ll help, but Carter still nods. “Okay.”
“Why don’t you get on the bed? I’ll get you a drink.”
Carter manages a thumbs up, his throat feeling tight. He crawls onto the bed and pulls the blankets up. Nathan was right… it does feel a little better being here. Especially when he grabs his moose and starts stroking the fuzzy antlers.
The drink Nathan brings him isn’t what he expected. It’s a small bottle of tequila in a very unique glass vial. Carter laughs softly. “What is this?”
“Your souvenir.” Nathan sits beside him and smiles. “It was that or a sombrero. I figured you’d appreciate some liquor more.”
“Depends – do I actually get to drink this?”“If you can handle it without a chaser,” Nathan challenges, one eyebrow raised.
“Pssh.” Carter carefully opens the bottle, rolling his eyes. “I may have been a virgin before you, but I wasn’t a total nerd. Tequila is actually my favorite.”
Did Nathan know that when he picked this out?
What else does Nathan know?
Does he know how much Carter missed him while he was gone?
Does he know how much effort it takes not to crawl into his lap and kiss him silly every second they’re together?
Does he know how terrified Carter is – not that he’ll get hurt, or Maison will get hurt, or Nathan, or Benny, or Casey will get hurt - but that everything between him and Nathan will never be the same once this is all over?