Page 34 of Perfectly Matched
Hannah gently caressed her breast. “How about this? Could you get used to this?”
Payson let out a gasp as she bit her lip. “Oh, I definitely could get use to that.”
Hannah kissed her stomach. “And this? How about this?”
Payson arched her back, and her fingers scrunched in Hannah’s hair as she guided her down even farther. No more questions were asked or answers given. All the communicating that needed to happen from that point forward would be done with silent lips and exploring tongues.
An hour later, Hannah escorted Payson to the door as Piper appeared, startling her. She was leaning against the wall with Hannah’s golden cuffs dangling from the fingers of one hand, and Hannah could tell from the magical sheen covering her skin that Piper was invisible to Payson.
“You okay?” Payson asked as she placed her hand on Hannah’s shoulders and squeezed.
“Yeah.” She faced Payson. “I’m fine. I just, um, I thought I heard something.”
“We gotta go. Now,” Piper said in a firm voice.
Hannah shooed Piper with her hand as she leaned in and kissed Payson. When they broke the embrace, they locked eyes. “I won’t be at the station today. I’m afraid something’s comeup. But I will be in the parking lot waiting for you when you get off. I was thinking maybe we can do a late dinner and—”
“How about we forgo the food, and you come over to my place for a drink?” Payson smiled seductively.
Hannah raised a brow. “Even better.”
“Then I guess I’ll see you later?” Payson twiddled her fingers over her shoulder as she strolled down the hall. Hannah leaned against the door frame and watched Payson disappear toward the elevators.
“She’s beautiful,” Piper said as she craned her neck past Hannah. “I hope she was worth it.”
“More than worth it,” Hannah replied. Payson was everything she found endearing, and she was perfect in every way. Hannah turned to face Piper as dread churned in her stomach. “I’ve been expecting you. In fact, I figured you’d come for me last night,” she said as they settled back into the room.
“I did.” Piper smiled. “I was sent to bring you back right after you two kissed and ended the binding spell, but I didn’t have the heart to interrupt.”
“So you saw?”
“I saw enough, yes.”
“And yet you didn’t take me away?”
“Why should I? At that point, the spell had already been broken. I figured there was no harm in letting you two have your fun. Besides, it gave me time to play another night of cards.”
Hannah frowned. “Oriana will not be pleased with either of us.”
“No, she won’t. But that’s nothing new. Now come on, we really need to go.” Piper handed Hannah her cuffs. “Ready?”
The moment Hannah was reunited with her bracers, she let out a content breath. She quickly clasped them on and took a moment to be reminded of what they represented to her.“Ready,” she replied with a nod as she scooped up Tucker. And as with the news station, she didn’t feel the need to take one last lingering look around the room. But as she glanced at the bed, where the tangled covers still showed evidence of their lovemaking, she knew going home would be bittersweet. In the eyes of Oriana, she had failed in her mission, but to Hannah, she had found the one thing she had been searching for her whole life. But was it worth the exile she might be facing upon her return? Knowing that she might be spending the rest of her life living amongst the mortals if she pursued anything with Payson? She didn’t have an answer, but as she glanced again at the bed, she knew she had never felt so completely alive in her life until now.