Page 49 of Perfectly Matched
Hannah turned and remembered the times she had been cradled by this beautiful woman. The praises she’d showered on Hannah and the rare moments when she’d joined in a healthy, yet competitive archery competition. The encouragement, the understanding, the love. Oriana was more than just her master teacher; she also held the roles of a surrogate mother, mentor, and friend.
“I…” Hannah stumbled and glanced again at the painting, then at Nikita. She lowered her head as tears dripped from her chin. Mortals brought pain to this island, and even though she knew most weren’t like the rebels who had instigated the uprising, she had to admit that some were. But Payson was not of that mindset. She was kind, sweet, and her soul was pure. But how could Hannah justify asking Nikita to give ground for one mortal when they’d taken so much from her? “I…” she muttered as she flicked her eyes once again toward the painting.
“Hannah, my child,” Nikita said. “What pains you so?”
Hannah slowly turned her head and gazed into eyes that seemed to hold so much wisdom, warmth, and kindness. She wiped away tears that held both sadness and hope. The words she had practiced for hours, laced with confidence and persuasion, never made it past the lump forming in her throat. Instead, she slowly unbuckled her golden bracers and handed them to Oriana. If she was going to try to make it work with Payson, then she needed to be there with her. To set up a life she could share instead of one that forbade her from ever being a part of it.
Oriana took the bracers with a shocked expression. “This is about your mark, isn’t it? I told you to let her go and leave thisfoolishness behind you. You are a cupid, Hannah, and you have forgotten your place.”
“Yes, I am a cupid, now and forever. It will always be in my blood. But if I don’t take this shot, I will never forgive myself. If she can’t come to me, then I must go to her. Because I know in my heart that we are destined to be together.”
“Don’t be a fool, Hannah. Can you honestly look me in the eyes and tell me this is what you truly want? That you can walk away from all that you are?”
“I…um.” She averted her eyes and let out a breath. Was this what she truly wanted? No, not even close. But she was being fueled by pure emotion at this moment and a deep belief that she and Payson were paired souls. Since she had asked Payson to have faith and believe, she must be willing to take the same leap of faith. Faith that this decision was the right one. The one that would lead to her destiny. “I can,” she confirmed through a shaky breath as she opened her eyes and gazed at Oriana.
Oriana took a step closer as if to challenge her further when Nikita spoke. “What is going on? Please, enlighten me,”
Oriana turned to her. “Seems our beloved Hannah has found a lover she would like to call her own.”
Nikita smiled. “Hannah, my dear, that’s wonderful.”
“A mortal,” Oriana grumbled.
Nikita’s smile faded. “Oh, I see.”
“I am aware of the law, and I will not disobey. I don’t want to leave, but I can find no other solution.”
“And this mortal,” Nikita said as she circled Hannah. “Does she know what she is asking of you? What you are about to give up for her?”
“It’s not so much what I’m giving up as much as what I’m gaining. It’s like there’s a song in my heart that only she knows the words to. I know that sounds crazy, but right now, I just need to see where this is going.” And she needed Payson to lookat her and not see someone who was half insane. To do that, Hannah needed to live a life that Payson could be a part of and understand. Without well-intentioned lies or crazy-sounding truths.
“I see,” Nikita repeated as she arched a brow.
“I love this island, you know I do. It’s part of my soul, and it’s in my blood. But I’m afraid that if I stay here, without Payson by my side, I’ll never be happy.” She turned to Oriana for acknowledgement and extended her hands palms up. She needed to know that Oriana understood, on some level, why she was doing this. But Oriana didn’t budge. “Oriana, please.”
“No, I will not be a part of this.” Oriana turned to walk away but paused when Hannah spoke.
“Oriana, my teacher…my friend,” Hannah choked out. “I will never forget all you have done for me. You made me see who I am, realized my potential, and made me a better archer and person than I ever could have been on my own. But more than that, you taught me to always be true to myself. To never take for granted the gifts I have been given and to remain humble in the eyes of the universe. You have always been my strength, my guidance, and my stability. Without you, I would have never found my way.” Oriana’s shoulders hunched. “I will send you messages through the stars, and I will always and forever be grateful that our souls strolled side by side for a moment in time.”
“Nikita,” Hannah said as she turned, kneeled, and laid her bow and quiver at her feet. “Please pass these on to the next promising young archer and tell her my story. Who I was on this land and my role.”
Nikita nodded.
Hannah stood. “It has been a privilege to live on this island and an honor to serve you,” she said shakily as she bowed before her queen, and tears fought for space in her eyes onceagain. With her head held down, she slowly walked away from all she had ever known. She needed to see Piper, and she wanted to ride Bella one last time to the lake and talk to her. Since horses were forbidden to be taken from the island, she needed to say good-bye and explain why she was leaving. To tell her that she cherished their time together and hoped to one day see her again.
As she continued out of the room, she could sense their eyes on her back, and she wanted to glance one last time upon the faces of those who’d given her so much, but she couldn’t bear to look at them. To see the disappointment and the hurt she was sure she was causing. As she approached the door, numbness grew with each step as both pain and doubt boiled inside her. She was in love with Payson, that she was sure of. But she was not so convinced about walking away from everything she knew. Was she really doing the right thing? If so, then why did the walls feel like they were closing in on her?
“Wait,” Nikita called as she stepped through the door.
She paused and took a moment to wipe her tears before she faced them.
“You have piqued my curiosity about this mortal who holds so much of your heart in her hands. Therefore, bring her to the island so that I may meet her.”
“No,” Oriana said as she took a step toward her. “Have you forgotten what they did to us? The pain and suffering they—”
Nikita held up a hand, stopping all further discussion. “My memory is very clear, Oriana. I understand what I am requesting and what it means.” She glanced at Hannah. “Bring her.”
“Here?” Hannah stumbled. “But the—”