Page 7 of Alexis
As a mid-level celebrity on Maltaffia, known for his good looks, he had never lacked attention from women. He had figured the female assigned to him here would be matched to him biologically, but he doubted he would actually be more than moderately attracted to her.
The Center had assured him that they understood the Maltaffian need for some level of bonding before conception could occur during mating. He figured if the match were a nice enough person, he would feel his body become comfortable and ready fairly quickly, within a few days, most likely.
But he was starting to feel as if Alexis had quickened his seed with her very first glance.
Now he was anxious to get her alone and see if he could get her to feel the attraction, too.
Or did she feel it already?
He snuck a glance at her, but she was already looking up at him expectantly, like there was something he was supposed to do or say.
“Mr. Torrn?” Dr. Oppyx said patiently, as if she were repeating herself.
“Sorry,” he said. “I was a little distracted. What were you saying?”
“I just wanted to know if you had any questions before getting started on your activities here at the Center,” she said with a gentle smile.
“Oh, uh, no,” he said. “I think I’m good.”
Beside him, he could feel Alexis’s shoulders shaking with silent laughter.
He glanced down at her to find her blue eyes twinkling up at him, like they shared an inside joke, not like she was laughingathim.
“Excellent,” Dr. Oppyx said. “Then, without further ado, the two of you may head out. You can use the rear door, through the kitchen.”
Alexis wrapped her small hand around his larger one and they headed for the kitchen.
He felt like a little kid again, his best friend dragging him off on daring adventures.
As they passed the counter and sped through the stainless steel of the kitchen, he realized the truth of what this week could be.
If he let go of his deep desire for a child, which was not really in his control, then what was left of the time here was just having fun - beautiful settings, manufactured adventures, all with a slip of a girl who seemed to have a fire in her.
Whatever happened here, it would be money well spent.
“You’re a daydreamer, aren’t you?” Alexis asked him as she threw open the back door of the diner.
He winked at her and enjoyed the way her cheeks blushed pink.
Shedidfeel the attraction.
Even though they had entered the front of the diner from a summertime beach, they stepped out the back door into an overcast, autumn afternoon. The air was cool with an edge of real cold on the breeze.
Before them ran a stretch of gravel road, with beautiful trees covered in colorful scarlet, yellow and russet leaves on either side.
“Alexis and Tiago,” a disembodied voice seemed to say from directly overhead. “I’m delighted to welcome you to your first adventure here at the Center.”
“Oberon?” Tiago guessed.
“Correct,” Oberon said. “I’ll be here throughout your stay to arrange your activities, but also to help with anything you might need. Feel free to call my name at any time and I’ll do whatever I can to ensure your stay is a pleasant one.”
“Thanks,” Tiago said. “Looking forward to it.”
“Now,” Oberon said. “Your first mission is to get to the farmhouse for dinner.”
Right on cue, Tiago’s stomach rumbled. His metabolism was so stoked by constant exercise that he was just about always ready to eat. He hoped Alexis hadn’t heard.