Page 1 of Desiring Them
“Hello, Miss Beachley. This is your considerate boyfriend calling from five thousand miles away to wish his girlfriend luck on her first day at her new job.”
As I stepped out of the black London cab, I laughed at Ruben’s formal tone. Studying my reflection on the polished side of the vehicle, I made sure my long, brunette locks fell around my shoulders and face correctly. My lilac eyeshadow was still perfect, making my brown eyes pop.
“Thanks, Rubie,” I said into my phone. “I’m so glad you called. It means a lot.”
“Are you nervous?”
The cab pulled away as I began walking. “Nervous in an exciting way. This is the beginning of a new chapter. If all goes well, I could do something amazing with this new job.”
“Who knew Tate Rawlins was such a giving man? I always envisioned the owner of Rawlins Industries to be a cold-blooded, money-hungry bastard. But now I get to do things like help set up an experiment for solar railway tiles.”
My mouth fell open. “That’s what you’re doing at work today?”
“I’ve been doing it all week,” Ruben replied, excitement filling his voice.
Until my best friend, Louisa Kembry, started dating Tate and his brothers, I’d never truly given the guy a second thought. Then he took a chance on her two mailroom co-worker friends and elevated us both into excellent new career opportunities. Ruben, directly, by giving him a position in the Rawlins Industries science division. Indirectly by giving me a glowing reference for my new prospect at a British designer fashion label, Estate Styles.
“I have a feeling he might be the same way during deals and stuff, but I’m glad he proved us wrong. It could also be the fact that we’re Lou’s friends.”
“Well, whatever it is, I’m glad we have the advantage.”
I laughed. “I know how much you’re geeking out, babe. You’re suited to your new position in the scientific department. I’m glad you’re so happy.”
“Thanks, my love.”
While swooning at my English boyfriend’s term of endearment, I stopped in front of a large stone Victorian building like many other buildings around me. But this one held my future inside it.
I slowly released a breath. “I’m here. The excitement is gone, and now I’m terrified. What if I fuck this all up?”
Ruben sighed. “Now, Sienna. If you go in thinking like that, you’ll set yourself up for failure. Think positive thoughts, be you, and go in there and kill it.”
“You’re right.” I straightened my posture and pushed my shoulders back. “Here I go.”
“I’ll leave you to it. Good luck.”
“Thank you. Bye.” Hanging up, I tucked my phone into my purse.
After opening the timber door, I stepped into a reception area which perfectly blended modern and classic Victorian styles. I untied the sash of my trench coat as I stepped up to the beautiful walnut timber desk and pasted my brightest smile onto my face.
The buxom beauty lifted her line of sight from the computer screen to me. She reminded me of Adele, one of my favorite English singers. Mind you, I didn’t know many of them.
“Hi, how can I help you?” Her voice was rich like molasses.
“I’m Sienna Beachley. I’m here for the fall training.” Based on the woman’s confused expression, I corrected myself. “Sorry. Autumn. I’m going to have to get used to saying autumn, aren’t I?”
The receptionist waved her hand at me with a laugh. “Not to worry. You’re American, and we do know what fall means. To be honest, it makes more sense. I mean the leaves, they do fall from the trees, don’t they?”
“Right, it does make more sense.” I already liked this woman.
“Let me find your name on the list.” She quickly ran her finger down a list of names and found my surname. “Ah-ha. Sienna Beachley, here you are.”
I raised my manicured hand and enjoyed how my new French tips shined under the muted lighting. “That’s me.”
“Hi, I’m Adele.”