Page 104 of Desiring Them
“He’s one of the most desired men in the country. Don’t you think he’s been taken advantage of before?”
I tried to push Jeremy away. “I resent the idea that he would think I would do the same thing.”
Jeremy wasn’t letting go of me. He gripped me tightly and made sure I was paying attention. “Sienna. I don’t believe you would. But Aug may not be able to see that as clearly as the rest of us. His guard is up all the time, including around his own family. It would be a bloody miracle if he opened up to someone he’s only known for a couple of months.”
The hurt I was feeling must’ve shown on my face because Jeremy stroked my cheek tenderly.
“But I love him.”
“I know. I’m sorry, love.” He pressed a firm kiss to the top of my head and held his lips there for a few moments. As usual, he felt so good.
“Everything all right?” Riva asked as she leaned against the kitchen counter.
“It will be,” I assured her. “Let’s watchEastEnders.”
Riva bounced on the balls of her feet. “What a fantastic idea.”
“Oh, fuck me,” Jeremy exclaimed under his breath as we all made our way to the couch.
We subjected him to a double episode of the show while we ate the delicious chicken, then cleaned up after ourselves. Being around them was helpful in putting Augustus in the back of my mind.
“Thank you for the chicken, Sienna. It’s hit the right spot.” Jeremy patted his stomach and leaned back on the couch.
“I don’t usually eat crispy chicken, but it was nice,” Riva admitted. “Did it make you feel better?”
I actually managed to smile. “Yeah, it did. I originally intended to eat it alone and wallow. I’m so glad I didn’t.”
“So are we.” Jeremy draped his arm around my shoulders and rubbed my arm. “It’s not healthy to stay focused on negatives in life. I know you’re hurting, but don’t give Aug power over you. Don’t let his stuff ruin you. You have a fantastic life. I mean, you and Riva get to be a part of one of the biggest events on the London social calendar.”
I knew he was right. “Not only that, but we also got to organize it.”
“And then we get to delegate on the night.” Riva sounded much too enthusiastic about that fact.
“You delegate. I’ll make sure my musicians get everything they need to have a good show.” I snuggled further into Jeremy. He was so comforting.
“I’ll keep the Lurchers in line, so don’t you worry your pretty little head about them.” Jeremy stroked my dark hair.
I grimaced. “Are they difficult?”
“Willy and Tripp are okay,” Jeremy said with a shrug. “Cruz, Louis, and Henry, on the other hand? Pains in my fucking ass. All three of them have egos way too fucking big to be contained in one band. Cruz is Cruz. He’s my cousin, and I can work him around. Louis thinks he’s better than everyone just because he’s apparently an attractive French musician, and Henry has a hard time with orders.”
“Aww, does it drive the Marine in you crazy?” I asked with a pout.
“You don’t know the half of it.” He groaned.
I giggled. “I’ll give you the directions andleave you to them then.”
“A wise decision.” Jeremy winked at me. “I’ve got another idea to keep your mind off my dickhead of a cousin.”
“What’s that?”
“How would you ladies like to help me put my Christmas tree up?”
My heart swelled. Big, tough Jeremy had a Christmas tree. The fact he wanted to share such a special moment with his two women was further proof of how sweet-hearted Jeremy was. I had a feeling he would be an awesome daddy one day.
I jerked back.Where the hell had that thought come from?
“Sounds like fun,” Riva said as she jumped up. “Where are we setting it up?”