Page 124 of Desiring Them
He pressed his forehead against mine. “Mmm… I love it when you call me that.”
“Well, it’s the truth, baby.” I gazed up into his beautiful dark eyes. “I honestly think you’ll hit the big-time after you support the Kaiser Chiefs. People are noticing you more and more.”
“Especially after those tabloid pics,” he teased with a cheeky grin.
I squeezed my eyes closed, and my face fell.
“Hey.” Cruz touched my chin and lifted my face back up. “Don’t worry your pretty little head about it, and don’t let them get to you. The key is to stay calm, be personable but somewhat aloof, admit with grace when you’ve made a mistake, and have rules about what you will and won’t talk about.”
“Having sex on the front stairs was definitely a mistake.”
Cruz nodded. “The photo was our fault. We got caught up in the moment and forgot ourselves. It was far from a mistake, though. But we shan’t tell the press that.”
He cupped my cheek, and my heart pounded even harder than it already was. He was a wonderful man with his long, straight nose, full lips, a sharp jaw that was perpetually covered in dark stubble, and his piercing gaze which saw through every one of my defenses. There was no hiding from an intelligent man like Cruz.
“I know you’re afraid of these feelings swirling around inside you and what they mean. That you love much more than most people can.”
“How do you know I’m afraid?”
Cruz winked at me. “I’m good at reading people, especially you. You are so concerned about caring for all our feelings you neglect to figure out what you want.” His lips glanced across mine as he asked, “What do you want, strawberry?”
“All of you.” My voice was as light as a feather as my breath escaped me.
“Good answer.”He slipped one arm around me, and I allowed my blouse to float to the floor. He expertly unhooked my bra, revealing my boobs to him. His kisses were deep and all-consuming and wonderfully slow and sensual, making me shiver with need.
The kiss was broken long enough to pull his black T-shirt over his head and caress his slim body. “I know you know you’re sexy, and you probably have women say it to you all the time, but I think you are so fucking sexy.”
Cruz pushed my pants down my legs. “You’re the only one whose opinion matters to me.” He kissed me again, and together, we removed his pants as well.
Then he took a step back and admired my naked body.
I put my hands on my hips and arched my eyebrows at him. “Do I pass inspection, rock star?”
Cruz didn’t let my smart-assed comment dissuade him from checking me out. “You are fucking gorgeous.”
A gasp tumbled from my mouth when he scooped me into his arms and kissed me again. I was beginning to figure out that Cruz loved making out with me.
He stepped into the bath and lowered me into the water infused with bath milk, our position giving me a unique view of his body from below. I’d had sex with him a couple of times now, but this was the first time I got to look at him properly. He had a trim, athletic body with a light dusting of hair across his chest and a snail trail directing me to his impressive, erect cock, which I gripped in my fist.
With a crooked smile, Cruz sank into the water, positioning himself right over me. He reached up and picked up a sponge. Dipping it into the water, he brought it back up to caress my neck, breasts, and nipples. “Are you trying to deflect my attention from you?”
“No way, are you kidding? I’m loving this,” I said as I rested my head back against the curve of the bathtub.
“Good. I want to lavish you.” He covered one of my nipples with his mouth, and I arched into him with a sigh. “I want to spoil and cherish you, show you exactly what kind of lover I can be.”
“Yes, please, rock star,” I said breathlessly as his mouth made its way to the other nipple, back up my neck, to my ear, then back to my mouth. “Mmm…” I mumbled into this new kiss. He parted my legs, and I felt the head of his cock at my entrance. “Show me how you love me.”
“I’ll give you everything.” His voice caught as he sank his cock into my wanting pussy. “I’ll even write more songs about you. I’ll name one Strawberry.”
I giggled. “Promise me you’ll do that.”
“I promise.”
He proceeded to show me exactly how much he meant what he said.
“Is it weird your parents didn’t come and say hi any time in the last few hours that we’ve been in their house?” I asked Cruz while we waited in line to enter the party, which was being held in a glass pavilion separate from the main house.