Page 128 of Desiring Them
“Look.” He shoved the screen in my face. I saw a grainy black and white video of Linda approaching Augustus and leaning toward him. “This is the video footage from the surveillance camera in the hallway.Shekissedme,all right?”
“I know.”
He took a moment to answer. “What?”
I turned the phone’s screen off. “Cruz explained it to me… Linda’s had a long-standing crush on you, and she’s sort of a thorn in your side?”
Augustus slumped his shoulders. “I should never have agreed to do her stupid autumn campaign. I knew she was still sweet on me, but I vowed to stay professional.” He let out a wry laugh. “Funny how that worked out, huh?”
“Yeah.”A tiny smile tugged at the corners of my lips. “Yeah.”
Augustus straightened. “If she sacked you, I’ll make her give you your job back.”
I shook my head. “She didn’t fire me. But I don’t want it. I’m done with Estate Styles. It’s not the right fit for me.”
“But if you aren’t going to work there, won’t you have to go back to America?” He looked at me with heartbreak in his eyes.
“Nope. My work visa isn’t contingent on me working for them. As long as I find another form of employment, I can stay. Plus, I’m marrying Ruben, so then I’ll be a legal resident.” I flashed him my ring finger and showed off my engagement ring. “Ruben’s also moving back to England so we can all stay together.”
Augustus laughed like a maniac. A relieved maniac. He sort of stumbled over to me and put his arms around my shoulders. “I love you, Sienna Beachley. I know I’m not the easiest man to love back, but will you have me anyway?”
My answer to him was a long kiss. “Yes. Can we please go back inside? I’m freezing.”
“So am I.”Augustus gave me his jacket, and we headed back to the party, only to have Jeremy accost us.
“Sugar, I need your help, baby.”
Sensing the concern in his voice, I was immediately on edge. “What’s the matter?”
“It’s Reeve. She said she was feeling ill and ran to the ladies’ room, but she hasn’t come back out. I’m worried about her. Can you go check on her?”
“Oh my God, of course.”
I gave Augustus’ jacket back to him and ran as fast as my skintight, one-shouldered black dress would let me. I power walked into the ladies powder room and approached one of the two stalls, noticing the locked door and the sounds of someone vomiting emanating from behind it.
“Riva?” I knocked lightly.
“Oh, my God, Sienna. Is that you?”
“Yes, sweetie. Will you let me in?”
The lock turned, and when she opened the door, I was met with an extremely ill-looking Riva. She didn’t appear to be drunk. Her skin was clammy, and she could barely keep her eyes open.
I tore off a couple of squares of toilet paper and dabbed at the corners of her mouth.“Are you okay?”
She shook her head. “I feel dreadful. I think one of the appetizers set me off… the smell of it.” She quickly turned and threw up some more.
I pressed my hand to her sweaty forehead. “I think we should get you back to the room. You’re in no shape to be partying.”
“It’s a boring, stuffy old party anyway.”
I laughed at her. Sometimes I forgot how young she was. I dialed Jeremy’s phone number and let him know where we were going so he didn’t stress about our absence.
“It’s okay, sweet girl. I’ll take good care of you.”
Riva wrapped her arms around my middle and snuggled against me. “I love my Sienna.”
“I love you, too, Riva. For the rest of my days, I will love you.”