Page 4 of Desiring Them
It would all be his fault.
I was so fucking pissed off. I put the emphasis of my anger into banging the stupid knocker on his big, black double front door. I repeatedly abused the knocker before I stepped backward and stared at the upstairs windows.
“Augustus Louis Charles Huntington the Third, you get your ass down here this instant,” I firmly stated, trying to keep my voice at a tolerable level. A lock of my dark brown hair fell across my face, and I puffed it out the way.
One of the front doors opened, and a bleary-eyed Augustus stared at me. I gazed at his slender frame, perfect abs, and the V that traveled down to his glorious cock.Lord, help me.
I honestly didn’t mean to stare. But then, how couldn’t I? He was…
His smile was both lazy and cocky spread across his face. “Good morning, Sienna. You need something to wake you up this morning?” Augustus flexed his cock.
I gasped. “No. Fuckingno!” I moved forward and placed my hand on his chest. Then, pushing him backward, I stepped inside the house and shut the door. “What the hell are you doing? Are you sleeping in?”
“Yes, as a matter of fact, I was.”
I threw my hands up in the air. “We have a photo shoot. Everyone is waiting for you.”
He lazily scratched his head and said, “It’s not even ten in the morning.”
“You were supposed to be there at eight forty-five. Those of us with real jobs start our days before seven, Augustus.”
I’d been working with Augustus for three weeks, and he’d made a habit of this kind of flirtatious, cavalier behavior the entire time. It was as if he thought he could get away with anything because of his position in life.
“I have a real job,” he told me.
I folded my arms across my ample chest and accidentally kicked a used condom stuck to the floor. I fought the urge to gag. “Hosting sex parties is a job? As if.”
Augustus pushed into my personal space. “I’m a hotelier, hotness. I own luxury real estate and accommodation all over Europe. This is how I wind down. Have you got a problem with that?”
I refused to budge an inch. “I do when it affects mine and everyone else’s schedules.”
Augustus stood over me. His hazel eyes challenged me, and I could feel his breath glide across my cheek. “You’re rather flushed, hotness. Does the thought of a sex party turn you on?”
I raised my hand as if to push him once more, but I paused. Curling my fingers into a fist, I slowly lowered it. “Put some clothes on, Augustus. You have five minutes.” I marched over to the black metal railing of the spiral stairs which led to the floors above and below us. “And for God’s sake, get this place clean somehow.”
“I have a maid coming in an hour.”
“I hope she has a key because you won’t be here.”
The sliver of a devious smile played across his lips. I was not going to succumb to him. Even when the tip of his tongue traced across his bottom lip, there was still no way.
Augustus walked away from me without a word.
I glanced at his ass before silently chiding myself.“Five minutes,” I mumbled to myself as I glanced at my phone’s screen to check the time.
“When did you get a car?” Augustus asked as I maneuvered the BMW 1-Series through the London streets.
“I didn’t. It’s Linda’s,” I snapped. “She let me borrow it to come and get you.”
“But you’re American. Have you ever driven in London?”
“No.” My hands gripped the steering wheel hard as I stared at the road. There was something weird about driving on the left-hand side, and my brain was having a hard time computing this difference.
I noticed Augustus holding onto the handle above his head. “What are you doing?”
“One can never be too careful.”
Rolling my eyes, I said, “Calm down. I’m doing great.”