Page 47 of Desiring Them
“Shh,” I hissed. In a lowered tone, I said, “I haven’t exactlyhadtwo men. Well, not at the same time. Not in the same room.”
“You sort of have.”
“Ruben’s on the other side of the world.”
“Yet he video-sexed you and Lord Huntington. Are you looking forward to having them at the same time, in the same room?”
I felt heat travel through my entire body, from my cheeks to my lady parts.
Adele giggled knowingly. “I see.”
“What do you see?” I tried to act innocent, but I knew it was useless from the heat flushing my cheeks.
“Everything I need to know. I wouldn’t worry too much about the paparazzi. As long as you keep things locked away behind closed doors from now on, you won’t get caught doing the naughty. Remember to close all curtains and blinds, and no outdoor sex.”
I shivered at the thought. “As if I would in this cold.”
Adele’s fun-loving attitude quickly turned to a concerned pal. “I want to make sure you know of Lord Huntington’s reputation?”
“Trust me, I’m well aware,” I said with a roll of my eyes.
“Oh right, you told me about the fender bender. Just don’t expect too much of him. He’s a charmer, that bloke, and much too sexy for his own good. He uses both to the maximum advantage. He’s not likely to become your next Prince Charming.”
“I don’t need him to be since I already have one in Ruben.”
Adele picked up her coffee cup again. “So then, what’s going to happen when he hurts you?Whennotif?”
I stared at her for a long moment, dumbfounded. “Then we end a fun little love affair, and I’ll still have my Rubie, and he’ll still have me.”
Adele smiled. “Okay then… go on ahead with this sexy little affair. Will you text me all the juicy details?”
“You think I want to risk the paparazzi acquiring said texts? You know they can tap and hack phones, right?” I questioned, arching my eyebrows.
“Hmm… good point. All right, when I come to the gala, which I will be, I expect a full update then.”
I narrowed my eyes at her but couldn’t hide my smirk. “You’re very pushy.”
“I know what I want,” Adele responded with a shrug.
“So do I.”
A naughty smile broke out across my face, and Adele belly laughed.
Buoyed by my catch-up with Adele, I bounded into my apartment building with a satisfied smile on my face and a new positive outlook on my life. I was feeling like myself again more than ever and wanted to celebrate. But, of course, it would very much be me on my own in my apartment, playing my favorite pop music and dancing like nobody was watching. It was late, and most people were sleeping now, even in London Town.
I decided I wanted to ask Ruben about dating Augustus for real. We would still have our video-chat sex sessions but holding back was screwing with my mind. I sent him a message detailing my reasons. Of course, if he said no, I would respect his wishes because I wouldn’t cheat on Ruben.
Ruben:I think we’ve established by now that we’re both open-minded, and trust each other enough to explore and have fun. I’m okay with you messing around without me. You don’t even have to have me on a video call.
I was so happy Ruben and I were so solid in our relationship that we could do this kind of thing without worrying about either of us losing interest in each other.
Me:I’m more than happy for you to do the same.
Ruben:I would rather ‘save’ myself for Augustus.
My laughter echoed around the entrance foyer of my building as Ruben messaged me again.