Page 55 of Desiring Them
I sighed. If there was one way not to cheer me up, it was to ask me how things were going there. “It’s fine,” I said and tried to sound convincing.
Ruben cocked his head to one side. “Which means nothing is fine. What’s going wrong?”
“Oh, you know… just the fact I regret ever being dragged into the photo shoot. Having to do these stupid interviews. My growing attraction to Augustus, which has been noticed by all the wrong people…” God, my list could go on and on.
“Such as?”
“My boss, work colleagues, the press.”
Ruben’s eyebrows shot up. “Right, the press. Sienna, I have to warn you, the British press can be extremely aggressive when they smell a scoop.”
“Trust me, I know.”
“Lord Huntington is also the country’s most eligible bachelor. If they even slightly suspect you and he are involved…”
“Mayhem,” I finished his sentence for him.
“Yep,” he said so matter of factly, it made my heart sink a little.
I released a heavy sigh.
“So, when, exactly, do I get to meet him?” Ruben asked after a moment of silence.
My eyes grew wide. “You want to?”
“Of course, I do. I want to see if the chemistry translates into real life.”
I brushed my nose against his and watched his eyes darken. “You mean, you would… you know… mess around with him?”
“With both of you. I want you included,” his lips fluttered over mine as he answered.
I looked up at Ruben and tried to put on the best British accent I could muster. “I suppose I could try to arrange a meeting.”
“Are you trying to be posh?” he questioned, a playful look in his eyes.
“Did it work?” I asked with a small laugh.
“If you were trying to sound like a posh American, yes,” he teased.
Ruben laughed when I wrinkled my nose up at him and pushed his crotch against mine, his cock beginning to harden. “Right now, however, I wantyouright here all night long.”
His eyes fluttered closed in pleasure when I rubbed myself along his shaft, and then he tightened his grip on my hands. “Stop teasing me, Sin.”
I gasped when he entered me. “Ohhh.”
“That’s better.” He rocked in and out of me, and our position created friction against my clit while I made mad, passionate love to him.
Ruben’s fingers twisted tightly around mine when I hooked one of my legs around his trim waist. His familiar touch both relaxed and turned me on. Our bodies knew one another from tip to toe, and we knew exactly the right things to do to one another. “I’ve so missed the way your body squeezes mine.”
“I feel complete when you’re making love to me, Ruben.”
His breath whispered against my cheek as we moved together. My hands clasped his ass, and I angled myself slightly different so he would hit the spot I was dying for him to reach. It didn’t take long before we both screamed as our orgasms hit and didn’t care if the entire apartment building heard us.
Ruben and I were reunited and were more than happy to shout it to all of London.
When Augustus and I departed the final interview of the press tour, I was awash with relief. Thankfully, this one was for a proper fashion magazine. They couldn’t have cared less about the possible relationship between Augustus and me. He and I were even able to leave in the same vehicle without being harassed.