Page 85 of Desiring Them
“Oh, shit. Sienna, what do we do?” Riva exclaimed.
“Ah, I don’t know. I’m not used to this.”
When there was more flashing, Riva threw her arms in front of her face.
I held our shopping bags up in front of us and frantically looked around until I located the door to the kitchen. “This way!”
Taking Riva by the arm, we broke through the door and ran through the kitchen, ignoring the shouts of protests from the chefs. We found the back door and busted out into a delivery lane.
“It’s fucking freezing out here, and I left my jacket inside,” Riva complained as she curled in on herself.
“I’ll call lost and found later. Right now, we need to call someone to pick us up.” I searched my phone for Augustus’ phone number but never got the chance to dial it.
“They’re coming,”Riva shouted.
Sure enough, the paparazzi found us quickly. I guess they were used to their targets using the back exits. It wasn’t exactly the most original of tactics.
I took Riva’s hand, and together we ran and ran until we were lost, cold, and frightened.
We didn’t lose the paparazzi, and while they were still on our tail, we didn’t dare return to my apartment or Riva’s. So instead, we pooled our money together and rented a posh hotel room for the night.
I closed the door and locked it behind us. “I suppose this will do.”
The bed was extremely comfortable with its one thousand thread count sheets and more pillows than anyone would know what to do with, and a gorgeously restored Victorian chaise lounge with gold flowered embroidered cream material and a golden frame.
“It’s rather lovely. I couldn’t think of a better prison for the night.” Riva dropped herself down on the chaise.
I laughed sarcastically. “Thanks for booking it under your name.”
“No problem.” Riva shrugged. “I’m just glad we’re away from those bastards.”
“I’m so sorry to get you caught up in this, Riva. I thought things were dying down, but I suppose they still haven’t gotten their pound of flesh out of me. It’s not fair on you.” My voice trembled. “I’ll replace your jacket too.”
“Forget about the jacket. Come here.” Riva patted the space beside her on the chaise, and I joined her. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and hugged me close. “Don’t worry about the jacket, don’t worry about me or anyone else. All that matters is your safety. If watching out for you means I get caught up in whatever the paps think they need from you, then so be it. It’s what good people do for each other.”
I sat up and studied her. “You’re so strong and wise for someone so young. Why, Riva?”
“I guess it’s to do with my lifestyle and upbringing. Mum is a nurse, and Dad is a stonemason. The type who carves stones for buildings, not the secret men’s organization type. They’re both tough jobs, and my siblings and I were always expected to help out around the house instead of watching television or playing computer games all day. Being the eldest of four, I was left in charge a lot. Then I was introduced to swinging and began exploring my sexuality, and you’ve got to be made of tough stuff to deal with some of the fuckwits who can infiltrate that whole scene. So, I guess that’s why I don’t let much faze me. I suppose it’s why I can work with models so successfully too. I treat them like children since they act so much like brats. I don’t put up with that behavior, but they respect me when they realize I still want the best for them and to see them kill it on a show or in a shoot.”
I smiled. “Wow. You have three siblings?”
“A seventeen-year-old sister and ten-year-old twin brothers.”
“I had no idea. Riva, you impress me.”
Her mouth dropped open in surprise. “But I’m impressed by you. You’re not perfect, and you don’t pretend to be, but even when the odds are against you, you find your spirit, keep your head up, and get on with things.”
“Do I?”
“Yes. I mean, look at how hard you’ve worked despite Linda suspending you from the office. You still helped Ramesh and me organize an excellent gala remotely. And itisgoing to be excellent, trust me. I think it’s unfair what she did to you. This paparazzi stuff isn’t your fault at all.”
“I’m falling for the most eligible bachelor in the UK. I allowed my work and personal life to intermingle, and as a result, people are much more interested in our personal lives than the autumn line. It’s absolutely my fault,” I scoffed.
“You tried your best to remain professional, and they pushed your buttons. Anyone who isn’t used to how to deal with themwilllose to them.” Riva sighed dramatically. “We’re woefully inadequate to handle this situation. It’s lucky we have contacts in the know who can be of assistance. And no, I’m not talking about work. Fuck Linda.”
I pulled a face. “No thanks. I think she hates me.”