Page 107 of Rescue You
Sunny followed, along with the two men, who shook hands when they passed each other. Sunny could hear them making casual talk as she trotted to keep up with her sister. Without a word, Sunny knew that Constance knew. Just from her quick assessment, Constance knew everything.
They all gathered in the back, the once serene woods with Roger’s and the dogs’ quarters blending in peacefully among the trees now a horror scene of wet, black wood, ash, mud and yellow crime scene tape.
“Did you lose anyone?” Constance’s voice was steady and hard. “Roger’s okay? You were crying too much for me to understand anything you said on the phone, and you haven’t said much in your texts.”
“I’m sorry. I couldn’t talk about this. I couldn’t text about this. But yes. Roger is okay. He’s the reason things weren’t worse,” Sunny said. “He’s staying in one of the cabins for now, with Sinbad, Willy, Calypso and Ranger. Pete took the rest.” She nodded toward Pete, where he stood talking to Rhett. Her gaze lingered, her skin tingling all over despite the gruesome scene and smells.
“You’re blushing,” Constance said.
“What?” Sunny tore her gaze away as Pete and Rhett gestured toward the ruins and spoke in low, serious tones. “No,” she said. “No, I’m not.”
Constance sighed. “You slept with Pete. Sunny. How could you?” Her voice dropped. “I know you’re devastated, and feeling vulnerable, but Pete’s our best friend. He’s not like the other guys you go for. What do you think is going to happen when you get bored this time? You can’t just toss Pete out of your life. And he’s not going to just fade away.”
Sunny was surprised at how calm she felt, despite her sister’s words. “I know that.” Tears welled up behind her eyes, but she made no attempt to hide them. “I really, really know that.”
Constance was quiet awhile. Her eyes narrowed as she tilted her chin up. She stepped closer and drew in a deep breath. She put her hands on Sunny’s shoulders and peered closely at her face. “Oh, my God,” she said. “You’re not lying.”
Sunny leaned her head on Cici’s shoulder as tears jumped down her cheeks. She cried quietly as Constance rubbed her back. Her tears were both good and bad, a product of being overwhelmed by everything that had happened in the last few days. “You were right,” she whispered. “I was arrogant. I wasn’t careful. And Janice Matteri got her revenge. Even if she’s arrested, the damage is done.”
“You’re being too hard on yourself.”
“No.” Sunny sniffed deeply. “You were right, as always.” She pulled back and surveyed the ashes. “I’ve always been impulsive. The bratty little sister who thinks she can do whatever she wants because she lives in the comfort of her big sister’s protective shadow. Daddy was too lenient with me. I was too headstrong. You put those two things together and all you get is—” she shook her head as she surveyed her ruined dreams “—destruction. Well, I’ve learned my lesson.” Sunny swiped under her nose with the back of her hand. “No more dog stealing. No more anything.”
“Sunny, this isn’t your fault,” Constance said. “You didn’t burn down your own rescue. Whoever did this will be caught. You’re just upset right now. Nobody was hurt. That’s all that matters.”
“Well.” Sunny’s eyes filled again. “Nobody but Humphrey.”
“What happened to Humphrey?” Rhett’s deep voice rolled over Sunny’s head. He and Pete had approached and stopped just short of the sisterly circle.
Sunny turned to face him. “He didn’t get out.” The words were hard to say.
“Humphrey died?” Constance took Sunny by the forearms. “You didn’t tell me that.”
Sunny shook her head. “He’s with Dr. Winters. Pete revived him with CPR. But—” she swallowed the burning in the back of her throat “—it doesn’t look good.”
“The little beagle, right?” Rhett’s voice changed. He had an expression on his face Sunny wouldn’t have expected from such a large, imposing man. He actually looked like a little boy in a giant body.
“Yeah,” Constance said. “That’s him.”
“The one who came out of his cage for me?” Rhett’s voice was soft and high.
“That’s him.” Pete pressed his lips together.
Rhett turned to Sunny. Something about the expression on his face made her happy that Cici had walked so bravely into his gym one day, for no apparent reason, wearing a unicorn T-shirt and making a fool of herself while she struggled to climb a rope, and that he was now in their lives.
“Can I see him?” Rhett said. “I have to see him.”
Dr. Winters let them both inside her mobile vet van, stepping out as she did. “You know I trust you, Cici,” she said, pushing her glasses up her long nose. “If you say Humphrey likes this guy, then have at it. I’m willing to try anything. Just don’t mess with his IVs.”
“I wouldn’t.” Rhett shook his head. “I wouldn’t do that.”
Dr. Winters looked like she bit back a smile. “I’ll be inside.” She hitched a thumb toward her house and let the door fall closed.
Constance led Rhett to the back of the van. He let out a gush of air when they saw Humphrey. The beagle looked even smaller and thinner than he had before. His paws were bandaged, probably from the burns Dr. Winters said he got from the crate when the metal heated up. His fur was shaved where the IV lines ran. His rib cage expanded with rapid, shallow breaths. His eyes were closed.
“No,” Rhett whispered. It was more of a sound than a word.
Constance clasped his hand. He squeezed it.