Page 30 of Forever Home
Back at the station he found Castillo just finishing up her lunch. She always ate at her desk, had some kind of salad and a vanilla yogurt. “How’d it go?”
Sean shrugged. “They could’ve done it. They own a pickup and don’t have much money or good job prospects. They’re sexist, don’t like Delaney and they’re liars.”
Castillo dragged her spoon out of her mouth slowly and tossed the empty yogurt cup in the trash. “But?”
“Delaney said something about maybe they ran more through that shop than bikes. I’ll look into it. If they are dealing, they’ve probably slipped at some point. They don’t seem too bright.”
“If I had a dollar for every stupid criminal.”
“You’d be a wealthy woman.” Sean slumped in his chair and resumed his online sleuthing of Dude and Dick. Time to poke around their social media, because stupid people were always stupidest on social media.
“Do you like them for it, though?” Castillo fixed her lipstick with a compact from her purse.
Sean shrugged. “It’s too early to say. I need to pay Sunny a visit next.”
Castillo got a knowing grin on her face. “That should be fun.”
“Shut up.” Sean clicked around and brought up the Facebook business page for Dude’s Bikes, which was also still active. The header photo was a picture of Wyatt, in front of the shop, sitting between Dude and Dick. “This is all business.”
“Sure it is.”
Sean didn’t answer, though he could feel Castillo, only a few feet away, reading his mind. This might be a little messy, but in the end, Sean never had a problem keeping things professional. If failing at marriage had taught him one thing, it was that no matter what, at the end of the day, you still had to follow your gut.
Sean would be following his. Time to pay a call on Detective Rawls, in Narcotics. Sean had known him a long time and they crossed paths frequently. If anyone knew whether or not the Worley brothers were dealing, it was Rawls.