Page 60 of Forever Home
After they drove away, Delaney walked around Sean’s Harley and snapped some pictures. She made sure to get one of the spun aluminum sixteen-inch disc wheel in the back, which gave theDisc Glideits name. She sent them to Sal, the resident Harley expert of their group, sans caption.
Only a minute went by before Sal texted his reply.
You got an ’83 Willie G in your shop??
Guy that’s looking for ’33 just brought it in.
That’s a sweet ride. Especially the color. Oxblood!
I know. Come get it running for me.
You don’t need me for that, querida.
Couldn’t hurt. Might need a carburetor. Replace or rebuild?
50/50 on a rebuild. I’d replace.
Ooh. You serious. You always want to rebuild.
Jaja. This is true. You doing ok, Pippie?
Delaney didn’t want to lie to Sal, so she told him all about seeing ’33 on the road last night. She could feel his excitement through the phone. They texted briefly about how a sighting was better than nothing, even if Delaney had been unable to chase the thief down. She promised to keep him updated and told him to give her love to the rest of the guys. Of course, Boom texted right after that, pissed that she’d told Sal about seeing ’33 before telling him. Delaney explained that she’d only texted Sal first because of the Willie G, and, of course, all was forgiven.
As much as Delaney wanted to get right to work on it, she had a couple of paying customers to take care of first. For now, she’d put ’33, the Willie Glide and the Dudes out of her mind and get down to business in the motorcycle shop of her dreams. She’d put on some music, let B.B. King fill the air as she finished up work on the Triumph, from the guy who’d brought it in after the grand opening. She’d let the sunshine roll in on the wind and mingle with the scents Sean had left behind, and maybe think about him for a little while, the way he held her, traced her jaw with his thick fingers and didn’t hate on his cat, even though she’d ruined his chances of getting laid. That took a special sort of guy. One that Delaney wouldn’t mind thinking about for a while, instead of the alternative.
Which was that a couple of nasty men with a long reach were out to get her, had possibly stolen ’33 and might have other things planned.
No, for now she’d push those thoughts aside.
For now.