Page 67 of Forever Home
“Par for the course? None of that is normal, Delaney.”
Delaney’s face tightened. She looked angry, but not necessarily at him. “They are for women, Sean. We put up with that stuff on a daily basis, in the military or not. Unfortunately, they are normal. Should they be? No. But they are. This shouldn’t be news to you.”
Sean sighed. “These things are on record?”
Delaney shrugged again. “Some of them. You learn early on not to rock the boat. Because then you’re not a team player. Or, you were asking for it somehow. Again, this shouldn’t be news to you. I learned to handle all that shit myself. Luckily I’m good at handling things myself.”
“Anyone from any of those incidents living around here?” She was right, of course. None of this should be news to him, after being a cop for so many years. But the thought of Delaney having to fend off unwanted advances, possibly assault, sent his blood pressure up. It was hard enough being on deployment, just trying to do your job, get through the day, without having to worry about friendly fire. “Anyone in your life who would think stealing your motorcycle and then giving it back was a fun way to mess with you?”
Delaney was quiet awhile. She shook her head. “No.”
“Let’s get you inside,” Sean said. “You look exhausted. Did Pete check out the apartment before he left?”
“No, but I’ve been up there.”
“I’d still like to check it out before I go, if that’s okay.”
“There really aren’t a whole lot of places to hide up there, Detective. But I’m not going to argue.”
They passed by Wyatt, who was fast asleep. “Does he stay in here?” Sean asked as Delaney propped open the back room door.
“For now. His choice. I’m going to try to get him upstairs with Pete’s acclimation plan. I’m supposed to move the bed gradually toward the apartment steps.”
“Pete’s a smart guy.”
“I know, right? He and Sunny are perfect for each other,” Delaney said as they entered the shop. “Talk about a match made in heaven.”
“Yeah. They’ve known each other a long time. Childhood best friends, I’m told. The three of them. Pete, Sunny and Red. I never stood a chance.” The words slipped out before Sean remembered who he was talking to. He hoped the flush that ran up the back of his neck didn’t creep around to the front.
Delaney looked over her shoulder, brows knitted, as they headed up the steps to her apartment. “Stood a chance with what?”
“Um.” Sean blew out a sigh. Damn. She looked so adorable in those pajamas. Sexy and muscular bare arms in the tank top, then soft flowery pajama bottoms in pink and green, her favorite colors, showing off the perfect contrast that was Delaney Monroe. There was some kind of tattoo peeking out from under the strap of the tank, right where it covered her shoulder blade. Something small and black.
They took the last steps into her apartment and she turned, hands on her hips, waiting. There was only one lamp on, near the couch. Her figure looked wispy in the dim light.
“Sunny and I dated, briefly.” He should have found a way to bring this up sooner. “It was a year ago. I had separated from my ex but we weren’t technically divorced yet. Sunny and I met while I was investigating the lady who used to live next door to her. She ran a puppy mill, mistreated her dogs. Sunny was always battling to save them. A lot went on between those two and the neighbor eventually set Sunny’s dog rescue on fire. She’s in jail now.” Sean watched Delaney’s face closely for a reaction.
Delaney’s lips parted and her eyes got big. “Wow,” she said. “Unreal.”
“It was just for a few months. Never got serious. Never got beyond...” Sean trailed off. Now he was making it worse. “Like you said, she and Pete are perfect for each other. They figured that out while Sunny and I were...were...together... But that’s...that’s not important.”
“Wait.” Delaney’s horror suddenly turned to humor.
“When I saidunrealI was talking about the fire. I can’t believe someone was cruel enough to set Sunny’s rescue on fire. I’m glad that woman is in jail and I hope nobody got hurt.”
“Oh, right.” Sean rubbed the back of his neck. “No, nobody got hurt. Well, not permanently. Your boy Humphrey at the gym almost died, but Pete saved his life.”
“Wow,” Delaney repeated. “That poor little dog really has been through the wringer. Red said as much.”
Delaney’s eyes narrowed, lips twitching into a smile. “Did you think I was going to be upset that you dated Sunny?”
“No,” Sean said quickly. “Well. I thought maybe you’d find it awkward. Since we all know each other. And since we...” He made a motion in the air between him and Delaney. “Stop laughing at me like that.” Even as he said it, Sean laughed, too. “C’mon. Give me a break. Some women would be uncomfortable.”
“Well, there are a lot of things to consider about that, Detective.” Delaney cocked her head to the side. “One, I didn’t know you then. Two, it’s none of my business. Three, I’d totally date Sunny. So at least I know you have good taste.”