Page 11 of Becoming Family
“You’re wearing Hobbs’s shirt,” Sunny pointed out.
Tabitha had forgotten to give it back. She hoped he had a coat. “We took the dogs out together and I got cold.”
“Uh-huh,” Delaney said. She had the sort of eyes that could see right through you.
Tabitha closed her own and leaned her head back on the seat. Let the girls think she was tired—then maybe they wouldn’t ask questions. It worked too well. By the time they got to Clementine’s house, Red had to nudge her awake.
She roused herself enough to drive home, but the smell of chocolate leaking out the front door woke her completely. Tabitha entered a warm house and found Auntie El in the kitchen, wearing her bathrobe and pulling a pan of brownies from the oven.
“I’m sorry, T,” Auntie said, without looking up. She settled the pan on the stove and sighed with relief, like the brownies weighed a hundred pounds. “I should’ve made these earlier.” Auntie El swiped some sweat from her forehead with the back of her wrist and fanned herself with the opposite hand.
“Oh, Auntie El.” Tabitha turned off the oven and went to the sink to do the dishes. “You shouldn’t be baking at ten o’clock at night. I’m a big girl now and don’t need special brownies. You feeling okay?” And here she’d been worried about herself and her own problems all day long. Shame seared through her.
“I’m fine.” Auntie El batted away the worry. “Just got a little tired today. Was up late, which is why I missed you this morning. Then I was watching a program before dinner and drifted off.” She walked over and placed her hands on Tabitha’s shoulders, then leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. “Happy birthday.” She sniffed deeply. “Is that tequila?”
“A long time ago. And just a little. I didn’t drink and drive, Auntie El.”
“Mmm-hmm.” Auntie El didn’t approve of alcohol in any dosage. “I’m going back to bed now. Don’t try to cut those for at least an hour.” She gestured to the brownies.
“Did you eat dinner, though?” Tabitha turned off the water and faced Auntie El. “You’re looking a little thin.”
Auntie El snorted. “You don’t got to worry about this old lady ever looking skinny.” She snorted again and ran her hands over the tattered cloth of the bright pink robe she’d had since Tabitha was little. “I got hips for days. Good night, now. I’ll see you in the morning.”
Tabitha watched her go. Auntie’s steps were definitely slower than usual and a little bit hobbled, like she was in pain.She’s sixty-eight years old, Tabitha reminded herself.She’s going to start moving slower at some point.
Tabitha finished cleaning up the kitchen and headed to bed herself. The brownies would have to wait until morning, even though they smelled like heaven. Once she was all tucked in, Trinity by her side, Tabitha was both relaxed and awake enough to relive the kiss she’d shared with Hobbs. His touch had been so gentle, yet so electrifying. At least on her end. Tabitha kicked herself for never asking Hobbs what he meant when he said,No, her kiss hadn’t been what he’d expected. If her birthday wish really had come true, she’d have had the courage to ask him. All the other ladies in the group tonight would’ve been bold enough to ask. Not Tabitha. Tabitha with the soft touch hadn’t said a word.
Tabitha thought about what Hobbs had said about the ruby-red slippers. She’d ditched them at the foot of her bed and could easily get up, put them on, click her heels three times and redo her birthday wish.
But what would be the point of that? Tabitha wasn’t Dorothy. The shoes weren’t real. Right now, everything in Tabitha’s life was a costume, and wishes were for those strong enough to make them come true. Right now, Tabitha didn’t even deserve Dorothy’s slippers.
Tabitha closed her eyes and decided, right then and there, if she wanted to be as badass as her friends she was just going to have to make that happen herself.