Page 62 of Becoming Family
Now she knew what the smile was all about. “You mean...what I’m best at?”
Red’s eyes sparkled with amusement. “Kind of funny how that works out, isn’t it?”
Tabitha was quiet, her mind racing. Would Auntie El even let her give her a massage? Was Tabitha even ready? She’d only had one semester of school.
“I have an idea.” Red glanced inside the gym, to where Rhett, Duke and Hobbs were in a discussion that involved a lot of shrugging and punctuated laughter. There had been a wager and now somebody owed someone else money, but they couldn’t decide who. “I have a place where you can get some practice, before you go to your Auntie El with this. Are you interested?”
Tabitha thought about that sneaky candle, just waiting to pop back to life. What Red had said, without spelling it out, was that Tabitha had a choice: she could either be the kind of woman who blew out the wonky candle and got on with slicing up that yummy cake, or she could be the kind of woman who stared at the fire and wondered who the hell had tricked her into the flames. The choice was hers.
“Definitely,” Tabitha said.
“Okay. I’ll send you a couple of emails with the details. But about that other thing.”
“Which one?”
Red glanced inside the gym again. “The one about the person you really like being unavailable.”
Tabitha’s cheeks got hot, despite the fact that her sweat had dried on her skin and she felt chilly now. Was it that obvious?
“Sometimes, life is like massage.” Red offered a soft smile. “And despite what a lot of people think, depth doesn’t always equal pressure and healing doesn’t always equal pain. A lot of people would be surprised to know how deep a light touch can go. And how good it can feel.”
Tabitha let that sink in. She offered a shaky smile. “Thanks, Red.”
Fist bump.