Page 25 of RoadKill (Savage Hell MC 1)
Kill barely slept the night before and his three-thirty wake-up call was a rude reminder of that fact. Viv had been able to keep some broth and crackers down and her doctor said that as long as that keeps happening, she and the baby should be fine. Still, Kill worried that worrying about him and this whole mess with Savage and the Dragons might be putting too much stress on her and the pregnancy. He wanted to make things as easy as possible on her.
“Hey man,” Havoc said, meeting him at the front of the gym.
“Thanks for fitting me in so quickly,” Cillian said, shaking his old friend's hand. He and Havoc had known each other before he went away. They were both prospects for the Dragons at the same time. They had gone through shit together, both hoping to patch into the MC and when Havoc realized what had happened to Cillian, he felt like shit. During his trial, it came out that the Dragons had not only set him up but were cooperating fully with the local authorities to put him away for a very long time. Havoc was one of the only guys to show up to support him from the Dragons. By that time, he had patched into the club and was a full member, so coming to the courtroom and throwing his support behind Cillian was a major deal. It almost got him kicked out of the Dragons.
“I heard you got out, Cillian,” Havoc said. “I’m not sure what the hell to even call you, man. I heard about what went down in there.”
Kill knew that Havoc had heard about him killing another inmate. Everyone had, even though it wasn’t true. Most people just assumed he did it, even though his friend Capone took the blame for it. There was no use in trying to convince everyone he was innocent. Besides, he didn’t give a shit what other people thought or believed to be true about him—never had.
“Doesn’t matter to me—Kill or Cillian. Whatever you’re comfortable with,” he said.
Havoc looked around his gym and back to Kill. “How about we stick to Cillian?” he questioned. “I don’t’ have a lot of clients at this time of the morning, just some die-hard fitness nuts. Let’s not scare them off, just yet,” Havoc joked.
Kill smiled and nodded, “Fair enough.”
“So, my receptionist said you asked specifically for me and seemed interested in hiring a personal trainer. Tell me more about what you’re looking for,” Havoc said. That part wasn’t a lie. He was hoping to get back to the gym and continue with his daily weight routine but he wanted to add some cardio. A personal trainer would make things so much easier, but he was there for so much more and telling Havoc that might not play out well for him.
“I’m looking to get back into lifting. I haven’t had time to find a gym since getting out and your place is close to my woman’s house,” Cillian said. He needed to gently lead into why he was there.
“Sounds good,” Havoc said. “Let’s start with some cardio and work our way around the gym to introduce you to the place.”
“Great,” Kill agreed. He dropped his gear at the front desk and followed Havoc back to the treadmills.
“If you decide to join, we’ll get you a locker and you’ll have it to keep your things in.” Havoc nodded to the treadmill and Kill took that as his cue to jump on. He ran for about twenty minutes and by the time he finished, working his way around to all the machines, going through a full workout, he felt about ready to drop.
“Jesus,” he breathed, wiping the sweat from his face.
“I didn’t say I’d go easy on you, old man,” Havoc teased.
“You do know we’re about the same age, right Havoc?” Kill asked.
“Well then, shit.” Havoc slapped him on the shoulder. “You have a fucking lot of work to do to catch up, man. How about you hit the shower and meet me in my office. I’d like to talk to you about maybe running a few weight classes for me. We have a lot of guys from some of the area MC’s who come in here to bulk up. You have that part of the routine nailed. With some cardio, we can have you in fighting form in no time. How do you feel about teaching some boxing? I know you were really into that, back in the day.” Kill smiled remembering the time that he and Havoc sparred in the ring.
“Yeah. As I recall, I kicked your ass,” Kill teased.
Havoc chuckled, “Yeah, yeah. You were in better shape back then. I’d like a rematch,” he teased, puffing out his chest and flexing. Kill laughed and grabbed his bag.
“You’re on,” he agreed. “Just not today. You’ve kicked my ass enough for one day. Let me shower up and then we can talk,” Kill said. Teaching boxing and weight classes wasn’t the path he had seen for himself, but honestly, he wouldn’t hate it. He could work at the diner and help Viv out there during the day and then teach a few classes in the early morning and evening. The extra money would help him to get one step closer to his dream of opening a shop and working on cars. Hell, if he could work on cars and continue to teach boxing, it would be the best of both worlds.
Kill quickly showered and joined Havoc in his office. “Have a seat,” Havoc offered, shutting the door behind Kill. “Listen, the job is yours if you want it. I could use the help around here. But, I need to talk to you about something else, too.”
Havoc slunk down into his chair and Kill knew he wasn’t going to like what his old friend had to say next.
“I’m out of the Dragons,” he almost whispered. Kill wasn’t sure he had heard Havoc correctly.
“Come again,” Kill said.
“I’m out,” Havoc said, clearing his throat. “Of the Dragons. They stripped me of my patches when I refused to follow orders. I was put on probation, but I told them that they could shove that up their asses.”
Kill whistled, “That was ballsey,” he said.
“Ballsey—fuck, it was damn stupid. I’m constantly looking over my shoulder now. This week has been one fucking mess and I’m not sure who I can even trust anymore.”
“Why tell me all of this?” Kill asked. “Hell, you don’t know that you can trust me, now do you?”
Havoc nodded and fiddled with some papers on his desk. “No,” he said. “But, I’m hoping that I can. You see, I think you’re here for the same reason why I was ousted from the Dragons. They took Savage’s kid,” Havoc admitted.