Page 40 of Sin City Wedding
His dad gave him a sad smile. "You never could tell her no."
That was the truth. He'd loved having younger sisters who looked up to him. Jake had always been indulgent with the women in his life. "It scares me sometimes to think that I might screw up with Peter that way."
"I wish I could tell you it ends, son."
"It doesn't?"
"How do you do it, Dad?"
"I lean on your mom. That woman is the best thing that ever happened to me. And you kids … well you're extensions of her."
Jake looked at his dad and for once didn't feel like a failure. "I hope I'm half the dad you are."
"I know you will be."
Before he could respond, the women returned with some cold soft drinks and a couple of bags of snacks.
"How's Peter?" Larissa asked.
"Still sleeping," Jake said.
Larissa crossed to his side and slipped her arm around his waist. He held her close and watched their son sleep. A moment later, he glanced across the bed at his dad.
His dad winked at him and for the first time, Jake felt like a man that his dad was proud to know.
« ^ »
The next evening Peter was doing much better, but Dr. Gold wanted to keep him one more night for observation. Larissa was tired—she hadn't slept in more than twenty-four hours. She was emotionally drained. Jake's family was wonderful, but they could be a little overwhelming. Jake's sister Imogene had breezed in on her lunch break wearing a power suit and looking totally gorgeous. Larissa had felt unkempt and frumpy by comparison.
Though obviously a workaholic, Imogene had spent part of her lunch break sitting at Peter's side and reading to him. Jake's brother Toby had called and Peter had talked to him on the phone. Wes had stopped by with a new electronic game for Peter, and all and all her son had seemed as overwhelmed as she'd felt at having so many people care about them.
But they were alone now. Jake was outside talking with his dad. She wasn't sure what had happened last night, but she felt like all the superficial reasons she'd been using for keeping Jake at arm's length had disappeared. She wasn't protecting her heart, because it was too late to do so. She'd fallen in love with Jake a long time ago and now that they were married she couldn't stop her feelings from deepening.
Peter had wanted her to sleep next to him, so she'd crawled into the bed with her son. Peter slept quietly, resting his head on her arm. She bent close and listened to his breathing. It was deep and steady. Relief flooded her and she hugged his small body close.
"Hey, lady," Jake said from the doorway. "How's our boy doing?"
She glanced up at him and felt her heart jump in her chest. Damn he looked good. Tired but good. He had two days' worth of beard stubble on his cheeks and he'd never looked more attractive. Sensual awareness flooded her body. Not now, she thought—I'm doing the mom thing.
"He's resting now. We were watching SpongeBob before he fell asleep. A show that Peter informed me you said he could watch. Correct me if I'm wrong but SpongeBob wasn't on my index card of approved television shows."
"Really? I'm sure I saw it on there," Jake said with a sly grin.
Peter loved having a daddy and it was just as clear that Jake loved being one. Jake had spent just as much time as she had at the hospital. He'd played games with their son and made plans to go camping this weekend down in St. Augustine. Listening and watching the two of them had convinced Larissa that Jake was in their lives for good.
"I'm going to let it slide this time, but once he's out of the hospital we'll go back to our normal TV schedule."
"Whatever you say, Larissa," he said in the bland tone that told her he was going to do whatever he thought was best for their son. She had to admit Peter had bloomed since Jake had come into his life. Her little boy had always been quiet and reserved. But lately he'd come out of his shell.
"Why do I get the feeling you're placating me?" she asked.
He shrugged, but there was a sparkle in his eyes that told her he liked sparring with her. "I don't know. You always were a smart woman—you tell me."
She prided herself on her intelligence, which made it even harder to believe that she'd actually thought she could live with Jake and not be his lover. Now she just had to figure out a way to bring the topic up so he'd know she'd changed her mind.
"Did your parents go home?"
"Yes. Mom said they'll be back in the morning when Peter is released."
Jake stopped at the side of the bed and ran his fingertip down her bare arm. She must look a mess. She reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear but Jake brushed her hand away. "Leave it alone. I like it when you don't look all tidy."