Page 28 of One More Kiss
“I’ll need your signature,” she said as she tore the receipt from the machine.
She pushed the paper across the counter to him and handed him the pen with the flower on top of it that they kept in a jar by the register. His fingers brushed hers and a little electric tingle went up her arm.
How could one man’s touch affect her so much?
“What are you doing tonight?” he asked.
“I’m going to meet friends at the beach after work. We’re going to surf and do some paddleboarding.”
“Sounds interesting,” he said.
He was so close she could see the scar on the left side of his face more clearly. Last night when she’d been kissing him she’d concentrated on other places, but today in the bright sunlight that scar seemed more prominent.
“How did you get this?” she asked, reaching up to touch it.
“Our convoy was attacked. I went out looking for high ground to get a good shot, ran into an enemy combatant with a knife. We fought. He cut me.”
The words were sparse but the image in her head was horrifying. She reached over and touched the scar again. She didn’t know what to say. He stood there and let her touch his face. There was so much more to her ex-husband than she’d ever guessed.
“We’re planning to have a bonfire on the beach tonight. Do you want to join us?”
He shook his head. “That’s not what I had in mind. I wanted a private night with just you, me and not on the beach this time.”
As empathetic as she felt toward him right now, she wasn’t about to have another night alone with him. They needed to be with other people or they’d spend the entire time naked. And she’d learned more about Jay in the last five minutes than she had all of last night.
“My offer is the only one that’s on the table at this time,” she said.
“Fine, but I want to have a chance to talk to you properly,” he said, handing her back the pen. “I need to get your opinion on a job offer I got today.”
“Really? I thought you were just thinking about leaving the Marines,” she said.
“I was. But near misses like this one,” he said gesturing to his scar. “Make me think I might need to change professions.”
“That’s very true. But you’ve only been here one day... I didn’t think you’d started job-hunting.”
“Well, one of my buddies owns the company so it wasn’t exactly hunting that had me find it. He knows I’m due to re-up and wanted to see if I’d be interested in joining him instead,” Jay said.
She wasn’t sure what any of this had to do with her but she did know it would be helpful for a long-term relationship if he got out of the Corps and took a job here. That was an interesting tidbit.
“What is the job?”
“Can you take a break? I don’t want to talk about it in the store,” he asked.
“Let me check with Staci,” Alysse said. She left the shop to go into the kitchens and found Staci standing right inside the doorway, clearly eavesdropping.
“What are you doing?” Alysse asked her friend.
“Listening in on your conversation, obviously. So that’s the guy?”
“Yes,” Alysse said. “I guess you aren’t working now.”
“No. I hit a snag and need to think about what I want to do. I really want this dish to be more than a main. But it just tastes so bland... Not enough wow,” Staci said.
“I’ll give you a hand if you want,” Alysse offered. Even though she knew Staci would decline the help. Staci was always trying to prove something to herself with her cooking, and, Alysse suspected, to the world.
“Nah, I’ll figure it out. So are you going to do it, go talk to him?” Staci encouraged, peeking around the corner at him.
Alysse wanted to, but a part of her thought getting to know him better was stupid. He was the one man who’d hurt her worse than any other. Was she really going to open herself up to that kind of pain again?
“He is one hot-looking guy,” Staci said.
“Yes, he is.”
“I can see why you fell for him, but you aren’t the same person you used to be. I think you are in the right place to deal with him,” Staci said.
“Me, too,” Alysse said with a confidence she was far from feeling. “I’ll be back in twenty minutes or so.”
“Take your time,” Staci said. “It’s not like we’re busy right now.”
Alysse took off her apron and went out front where Jay was still waiting. He was studying the glass cases but she sensed his attention was really on her.