Page 3 of Highest Bidder
I don’t have to wait long to find out. “The building belongs to the Morelli family,” he tells me, though that comes as no surprise. “And from the intel we have on file, they have offices in there. And an auction space.”
My stomach drops. “Auctions. What kind of auctions?”
“Where women are sold. Why are you—”
I end the call before barely stopping short of smashing the phone. There’s no time to overthink this. I’m out of the car and halfway up the sidewalk before I know what I’m doing. She’s going to sell herself? What the fuck have I missed? She’s never been involved with the family, has she? I should’ve done more recon when it came to that friend of hers.
I ring the bell the way she did and continue cursing myself while I wait. If they touch a fucking hair on her head, so help me God. I don’t care what the boss’s orders are or that he’s made it a point to avoid conflict with Morelli. I’ll kill every last man in the building.
The door swings open. There must be a camera picking up images of who’s waiting to be let in. I guess I don’t look like a threat—but that’s by design.
“No weapons.” The voice comes from a guy sitting in the shadowy vestibule.
“Not carrying any.” Though that doesn’t mean there aren’t any in the car. “I’m looking for a girl who just walked in here. Blonde, sort of small, black dress.”
“Yeah, lots of dudes come in here looking for girls who fit that description.” He jerks his chin down the narrow hall ahead of me while patting me down. I have to grit my teeth to get through it. “You wanna meet ‘em, you gotta pay.”
I know better than to try to reason with him. He doesn’t call the shots, anyway. Once a girl walks in, something tells me she doesn’t walk out alone—or of her own free will. Nobody does this unless they’re desperate.
I should’ve ended this sooner. Should’ve brought her home. To hell with my weakness for her. “Where do I go to bid?”
“Down the hall.” He looks me up and down. “You’re underdressed.”
“I didn’t know it would be black tie. Don’t worry. I’ve got the money.” I’ve always been frugal—I don’t need much—and the boss is more than generous. All these years, he’s been giving me the money I’d eventually use to buy his daughter.
I doubt he’d find it funny. I sure as hell don’t.
The room at the end of the hall is already filled with men in suits, perched in leather chairs and sipping whiskey. I stick out like a sore thumb in jeans and a leather jacket but ignore the curious glances in favor of finding a place against the wall. I could take any one of these assholes if it comes to it.
Not a minute after I’ve arrived, a slimy little prick steps onto the platform and a series of white lights illuminate his pasty face. “We’re about to start the bidding,” he explains, rubbing his hands together while the men around me sit up straighter. “Let me assure you, tonight’s selection is the cream of the crop. Ten luscious, pure, untouched beauties waiting for the right man to claim their virginity.”
My jaw aches from clenching so hard. It’s torture, pure and simple. Standing here, waiting, knowing these men will so much as look at her. Fantasize about taking her the way I have so many times.
They don’t know she’s already mine and always has been.
But they will soon enough.
Chapter Three – Olivia
I’ve never been so humiliated in all my life, and the bidding hasn’t started yet.
“We don’t have time to check you out,” the man told me when I first approached his desk. “You’re going to have to wait until you can either get a confirmation letter from your gynecologist, or you’ll have to be examined by our in-house doctor.”
“How would they even know I’m a virgin?” I challenged in a shaky whisper. “That’s archaic. I broke my hymen years ago.”
The guy looked like he wanted to puke from either disgust or embarrassment. Strange, somebody with such a weak stomach being in a position like this. “I swear, I’m a virgin, and I need the money right away. I can’t afford to wait until next week.”
He scowled. “It would make an even ten girls.” After making me turn in a slow circle, he nodded. “Yeah, you’ll make a mint. Okay. You’ll be the last girl up for bid.” With that, he showed me to this tiny closet of a room where the other nine girls waited to be sold.
Sold. How far I’ve fallen. Dad would burst a blood vessel if he had the slightest idea. He would never understand, either. If it wasn’t for him and his entire world I wouldn’t have run away. I wouldn’t need to do this if he was a normal, regular dad with an average job.
No, I had to be born to a mafia boss whose friends have a habit of ending up dead.
Just like my friend did.
I shiver at the memory—or is it nerves? One by one the girls go out, and I hear the bidding taking place. Ten thousand. Twenty. Thirty. I get a nice percentage of the cut, according to Emma. Focusing on what I’ll do with the money helps distract me from what’s going on. I’ll put some away in savings and maybe find a better apartment with the rest. Take some classes online, maybe—or ask for Colten’s help getting me into classes at the college where he teaches. I don’t want his money, but I’m not beyond asking for a favor like that.
Finally, it’s only me left. I’m shaking so hard it makes my teeth chatter. The door swings open. “You’re up.” I stand and lift my chin and remind myself I’m Olivia fucking Giordano. I can handle this. I can handle anything.