Page 1 of The Non-Hook Up
Icurl up on the couch, watching Sydney Prescott run from Ghostface inScream,and think about how simple horror movies are. You have a killer and you have to survive by either running or fighting. I wonder which one I would be, a runner or a fighter. I like to think that I would be a fighter like Sydney who survives all four movies, but if I was honest with myself, I’m more than likely Tatum. I would be the witty best friend who dies from a stupid decision, like going out to the garage alone when there is a killer on the loose, thinking that going out a doggy door is a viable option for escape. Okay, I don’t think I would be that stupid, but I don’t think I have it in me to be afinal girl. Final girls are strong and resourceful; they have something to fight for, and I haven’t been feeling that way a lot these days.
Thankfully, before I fall down that rabbit hole, I hear my phone chime on the coffee table before me. I mute my movie, having seen it millions of times, and answer the phone, wondering who would be calling me at 8pm. “Hello?”
I have a strange thought of how funny it would be if a Ghostface voice answered, but quickly shake that away when a chorus of greetings hit me. “Hey!”
I feel the smile stretch across my face as I allow myself to lie back on my couch, my legs tucked underneath me, pleased at the sound of both of my best friends' voices, Harper and Ava. “What’s up?”
Harper sighs blissfully. “Just relaxing and enjoying my Sunday morning with my girls.”
I blink, remembering the time difference between here and Australia. Harper has been in Australia since November last year, on an international internship program she got accepted into. I’m not sure how long this program is, but I hope she will be back soon. I smile into the phone. “So how is the future?” I ask her and she laughs.
“Ha ha. It's great! I’m just enjoying a coffee and a beautiful view, but I wish you guys were with me. It can get pretty lonely over here.”
Ava scoffs. “Don’t worry about us. You have an opportunity of a lifetime, go out and enjoy the sites!”
“And the guys. You must tell me about the men in Australia.”
She laughs, a hint of nerves leaking through. “No guys. I mean, there are guys, but I’m not ….”
I feel my jaw drop. “Well, that just won’t do!”
I wave off Ava’s exclamation, forgetting that she can’t see me. “Hey, I can’t be there to experience the goods, so I need to live vicariously through you. Take one for the team, Harper!”
Silence meets me on the other end of the phone, and I fear I may have pushed too far, but before I can apologise, a wailing scream pierces my eardrums, and I wince in pain when Ava curses. “Shit! Charlie’s awake.”
Previous discussion is momentarily forgotten at the mention of my best friend's newborn son, and the smile returns to my face as I think of my special little man. “Oh, how is he?”
Ava sighs exasperatedly as Charlie's cries hit us on the phone. “You hear him, how do you think he is going?”
I raise a brow. “Motherhood not all it’s cracked up to be?”
“We can leave you to it?” Harper suggests, sounding concerned.
Ignoring my quip, Ava says, “Just hang on a second.”
After a minute of groans and grunts and a couple of sighs, the screaming stops and there's only silence, broken up by Ava’s heavy breathing.
“Sorry, girls,” Ava says, sounding tired, and I wave her off, again forgetting that she can’t see me.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s actually quite funny to hear you struggle.”
I can almost hear her eyes roll. “Thank you.”
“Let’s talk about something else. This call is my me time. How is everyone else doing? Harper, when are you coming back?” Ava asks, and we are met with a moment of silence before Harper stammers out a response.
“Um, I should be back by the break.”
Groaning, I think of how far away that feels, and throw my head back on the couch. “Good! For a moment, I didn’t think you ever would come back.”
She laughs nervously again, and I furrow my brow, knowing there is something she is not telling us, but I don’t push, not yet. “No, I’ll be back. How is everyone else? Logan, Conner, Hunter?”
Ava answers, “Conner is the same. Still working and going to school. I’m taking this semester off to take care of Charlie, but I’ll be back next semester. Logan is… Logan.”