Page 56 of The Non-Hook Up
I look down and see that Laurence has grabbed my wrist and now holds me before his friends, his face going from puzzled to pleased.
I narrow my eyes, not liking being touched by him. “Get your hand off me, sir.”
He raises his brows. “Sir?” His boys laugh, and he rises from his seat, his hand still on my wrist as he moves close, his voice low as he says, “I think I like that.”
“How about this?” Having enough of this shit, I turn to him as much as I can. “Get your fucking hands off me, dickhead.”
He laughs again, and I suddenly smell the alcohol wafting from him, his eyes dark as gets too close. “That mouth. I have missed that mouth.” He smiles. “Oh, I remember you. Too good for me with your rich parents when mine make more than yours. Now where are they? What good is their money to you now? You’re nothing but a bar whore, but you know what?” He tucks a piece of hair behind my ear. “It looks good on you.”
My blood boils at his words about me and my parents. I don’t care if I get in trouble for this, I’ll take it. I reach down with my free hand, grabbing a shot glass from the table, and throw it in Laurence’s face.
He gasps on impact, releasing my hand to wipe his eyes, and I use that to my advantage and run. The crowd starts to feel thicker, and I struggle to push through, but I hear them behind me. My heart races so fast, I see parts of the bar through the mass. So close to being away from these men.
I hear them screaming after me, their voices getting closer, and just as I break through the crowd, my heart starts to sing at knowing that I am free and away from them. Riley sees me over the heads of those at the bar, his brows pulled down in question a second before an arm encircles my waist and pulls me back into the crowd.
Riley only sees my look of panic and fear before I am submerged and out of sight.
Customers are screaming at me, but my focus is on Mia, or where she was just standing before an arm pulled her into the crowd on the dance floor, hiding her from my view.
Putting down the bottle of beer I was holding, I shove past Malcom in an attempt to get out of the bar, worry taking over at what the fuck is going on and unable to take the look of fear I saw on Mia’s face out of my head, but I don’t get that far.
Danny blocks me, putting his hands on my shoulders, trying to steady me, and only then do I realise how heavily I am breathing. “Whoa, what is going on?”
I look him in the eye. “It’s Mia.”
I watch as his eyes shift slightly, but he keeps his face controlled. “What about Mia?”
“Someone’s got her in the crowd. I saw them pull her in. I don’t think she can get out.” I say the words so quickly, fear taking over before I shove Danny aside and stomp towards the crowd, distantly hearing Danny barking orders to the boys I can't make out behind me.
I see the fear she had on her face in my head as I clench my fists, ready to spill blood if anyone fucking hurts her.
Ican’t move.
My arms are pinned to my sides by Laurence’s arms encircling me, holding me flush against him, his breath making me recoil as he growls in my ear and pulls me deeper into the dancing crowd who pays me no mind. “You think you’re better than me, bitch?” He laughs as I struggle to get away, but he is too strong. I consider throwing my head back and possibly breaking his nose, but I’d more likely knock myself out and then I’ll be no good. “I’ll show you where you belong,” he growls as he steps out of the dancing mass of bodies, emerging to where his friends are, blocked by the crowd. But Riley saw me, I know he did. I just hope I can either get myself out of this because I don't like what Laurence is implying, or that Riley finds me.
I continue to struggle, but he just holds me tighter as he calls to his friends, “Look what I got, guys!”
His friends cheer as their eyes roam over me hungrily. I grit my teeth and try to elbow Laurence in the ribs, but I don’t have the room. Laurence continues to laugh. “Keep on wiggling, bitch. You’re making me hard.”
“That explains why I don’t feel anything.” I realise very quickly that I should not have said that, because the next thing I know, he calls for his boys and they are circling around us as he pushes me towards the table.
Realisation hits, and I proceed to dig my heels in to stop him from getting closer to the table. A feeling of helplessness takes over as I begin screaming internally and plead, “No, no, no.”
But he loosens one arm and holds me by the back of the neck with the other one, and before I can think, he slams my face too hard on the table so that my ass is sticking out, I’m dizzy with my face radiating with pain.
He leans down to growl in my ear as I blink, processing. “You’ll feel it in a second.”
I try to push and fight, gritting my teeth, wishing this was not happening to me, when I suddenly hear an array of screams and crashes from behind me.
My heart lifts in hope, which strikes true when I feel the pressure on the back of my neck release as Laurence is moved away from me.